APT SmartCarb

Corey when you said " GasGas will be the first to benefit" does that mean they will be comming from the factory with the SmartCarbs? :D. BTW your post above (#537) is awesome; great info in it.
Corey when you said " GasGas will be the first to benefit" does that mean they will be comming from the factory with the SmartCarbs? :D.

They are testing again right now. Really it's been us slowing them down due to availability after the EICMA show, but they are in the last stages of picking two products to put the SmartCarb on and then work into to regular production cycles in Spain. Also two other unmentioned European manufacturers beginning work over here in February. And Zaeta's new TM 530 4t powered flat tracker certification program. Getting really busy.....!
Is the 38mm cast carb a good candidate for an 1983 RM250 ?

stock is a 36mm Mikuni flat slide. Is the cast 38 too much carb for it ? The engine has been extensively ported etc.
Is the 38mm cast carb a good candidate for an 1983 RM250 ?

stock is a 36mm Mikuni flat slide. Is the cast 38 too much carb for it ? The engine has been extensively ported etc.

A 38mm SC would be a good choice and I typically recommend a 38mm for a 250, especially with porting and even on older non power valve engines. It will give you all or more of your current bottom end with a lot more mid to top.
Thanks Corey, I just placed a preorder for a cast 38mm carb.

If it works as well as I'm expecting I'll be ordering one for my Gas Gas too :)

My son must have been bored today and decided to put my SmartCarb on his 2011 TM 250 MX. The bike fired on the first kick as he didn't dump the fuel in the bowl. After a few clicks leaner the bike which was already a rocket is now much smoother, better throttle response, and much cleaner pull than the RB worked over carb. He thought before the ride it couldn't get much better than the RB unit he has. He is now going to order up his own SmartCarb :D.
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I would like to see a size for the kdx also.;)

kdx would most likely be advised to go for a 36mm (beeing a 200-225cc) but if you want more top end, you could go for a 38mm.
it all depends on what you want.
my gasser 200 has a 38 (apperently) and i would concider going to a 36mm because i would like some more bottom-mid punch ,i ride more single track and somewhat technical stuff then open fields and fast sections.

i'm sure it will be confirmed :cool:

ciao, Hannes.

ps: don't shoot me if i'm wrong here :D
My son must have been bored today and decided to put my SmartCarb on his 2011 TM 250 MX. The bike fired on the first kick as he didn't dump the fuel in the bowl. After a few clicks leaner the bike which was already a rocket is now much smoother, better throttle response, and much cleaner pull than the RB worked over carb. He thought before the ride it couldn't get much better than the RB unit he has. He is now going to order up his own SmartCarb :D.

Thanks for the info john01. Interesting that the TM 250 pulled a little more fuel enough to want to lean it a couple clicks. I'm not sure how much it's occurred to everyone that the healthier the engine the better the SmartCarb works and is a good gauge to measure general engine health. One metering rod, how many bikes have you run this carb on now?
Hey corey
Any news when the anti flooding valve will be ready :D , hopefully ill be out on my bike again shorly
Corey it's been on Kellys 125, his 165, Walts 165, my 165, and my son's TM 250 :D. Who knows Kelly or Walt may have tried it on a couple other bikes. I hadn't really completed testing/adjusting it on my 165 after getting it back from Walt so I'm not sure at this time if I would have actually ended up leaner or richer for my final settings. I just bolted it back on my 165, it started on the second kick, and idled like a purring kitten. Rain today so I won't get a chance to dial it back in for my 165. Dialing it in is done from my bike seat as I don't even need to get off until I do the final plug check :cool:. It's so nice not to have to re-jet and play with AF screws and the tiny little idle screws that come on the Mikuni carbs. Thanks again for an excellent product.
What I think is cool, is that you should be able to intentionally richen it a couple clicks to soften the power in slick conditions, but do so in seconds and have a precise reference to go back to at any time.


Have you, or anyone that used your carb crashed the bike in a typical/reasonable manner and were able to restart quickly?
No we haven't crashed with the SC but I was close going WAY faster that I thought on an open outter loop :eek:! I did lay it over on it's side for a few seconds picked it back up and it started on the 3-4 kick.
I gave a guy in the group a go who dropped the bike , it was probably about 30 seconds before he picked it back up and about the same kicks before it started again , dropped it myself but was faster to pick up and took maybe half a dozen kicks to get running again