APT SmartCarb

If you understand the engineering of the compensation system it is absolutely fair. Thats the magic. Lectrons are not compensated. Yes they may have a good range but compensated no. Thats why people are screwing around with different metering rods. All the APT billets out there have the same metering rod.
Well i've run both carbs and YES smart carb is by far a better carb.
As the Lectron is better than the stocker the smart carb is that much better.
I don't believe you have to be an engineer to understand the altitude compensation but if you are listening to what a lot if not most are trying to achieve the lectron does this very well. I have not been screwing around with multiple rods as you suggest as have many others that received there carb dynoed and tuned to them also have. Altitude compensation I have had no problems with thus far in a 3000ft range. I will have a smart carb when they work it out and then ill make and informed decision as to which one is better based off of real world testing on my bike!
My 1983 RM250 needs a carb regaurdless, the stock carb is knackered...and an ebay replacement just has nightmare writen all over it. I'm not spending $100 + shipping on a used carb. Only to find its not 100% anyway.

Lectron makes sense for the old girl, it wont see elevation changes as I'll be running it at 1 or possibly 2 tracks a year. On a plus note the Lectron was available in 1983 so its vintage ready lol.....yes I know there have been updates on the Lectron since the good old days but it still looks nearly the same :)
I did..

After the first set back there was zero chance I was going to wait around another 6 months. It was immediately clear that the options were money back refund, or upgrade. I know a lot of people will be disappointed and realistically, when spending $800 on a product, $50 is here or there.

I expect a large shift to Lectron ahead, for those who were determined to jump on this band wagon, and from experience I doubt anyone would be disappointed with what the Lectron provides, consider it actually does provide (ie you can order it, receive it, put it in your bike, and be using it).

6 months down the track APT might be in a better place, and I hope they are. Lectron may have also received more feedback, implemented a few new tricks, and also be a better revision of what is already a solid product.

Jake did you end up ordering the billet??
I'm talking about different rods for different applications, displacements, not a selection to tune with. Sure its fine for most, and if your bike is in the range of signal that the rod likes it should be perfect.
I don't think that is accurate or fair to say that the lectron is a lesser product due to one companies claims without a direct comparison in controlled conditions.

I agree, but so far from those who have owned both have reported that the SC is a bt better. In saying that, the APT offers much finer tuning, and external tuning of the rod length. The Lectron only offers 1/4 turns and requires the cap removed to do so. I've noticed once the Lectron is dialled in its solid across all environments. I'd just like to be able to tune it to 1/8th of a turn.

If you understand the engineering of the compensation system it is absolutely fair. Thats the magic. Lectrons are not compensated. Yes they may have a good range but compensated no. Thats why people are screwing around with different metering rods. All the APT billets out there have the same metering rod.

Thats the theory behind it all, but is there enough evidence to back this up yet? I've noticed the lack of compensation in the Lectron in regards to engine load. IE slow pace low loads it does feel a bit rich.. Hard running in high loads it can start to feel a touch lean. I'm not sold that the SmartCarb draw as required as well as they claim. I'll believe it when I see it.

I'm talking about different rods for different applications, displacements, not a selection to tune with. Sure its fine for most, and if your bike is in the range of signal that the rod likes it should be perfect.

That applies the same with APT. It might not be so publicly advertised but I know of at minimum 2 people who have needed to use alternate metering rods to achieve the goal. I actually have 2 x metering rods coming from APT for the off chance that their recommendation doesn't work as well as expected.

So to answer your question Trev, I have the billet in the mail. It might even be at the post office now. I hope it exceeds my expecations.
Me too! I would have had the billet if they would have returned my phone call just a little quicker. I hope it's a real step above for the cost of the billet.
I had a smart carb on my husky 165 set up at 40F and 1000ft alt and rode it in Moab at 75F up to 10000FT with out changing anything.
That's what I'm talking about. If the basic metering rod carb design (Lectron) that has been around for years was good enough, why would APT be going through this complex casting design? If they wanted to make $ you would think that they would put some polish on the old Lectron design and call It a day right? Fact is it is different and it does work. Billets proved that. What you should understand here is this is not just about bikes, its ultimately about an alternative to closed loop EFI, a simpler, cheaper alternative. This is the real mission, what your witnessing now are just baby steps.

As far as the rods, every system has a range of operation, where it can self calibrate. What they are simply doing is introducing feedback in the form of fuel pressure modulation (in the float bowl) to extend that range, but it still has limitations like any system. Andoman here got the wrong rod by mistake( for a 125cc road race bike) but was still able to tune it pretty well, just not in the normal range.

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Why panic and jump to the Lectron? Before APT became known no one even. considered a Lectron. I don't need a carb, mine works fine and I'm not in a rush to solve a problem. I got on the APT train because I like and understand the technology, which is at another level over the Lectron. APT has kept their eye on the ball, and that is to make sure high tolerance production parts can be run in large numbers for OEM contracts. Thats what this is all about, so in the big picture a couple of delays are nothing. Sure it sucks because you tied up cash and want it ASAP, but do you really need the alternative that bad? Makes a lot more sense to just pull out and wait than settle for something less.

It's not a panic move. I paid my deposit to purchase a new carburetor. If not the APT, then the Lectron. After I paid my deposit I learned more about the Lectron and figured that I wanted a new carb solution, so either the Lectron or the APT. I sat with APT based on the information provided. Now that I know I can either buy a Lectron off the shelf tomorrow or wait until August for the (apparently superior) APT I have to decide (me, personally) what I want to do. That's it. I'm not in any panic to get something, I am weighing my options. I do want to replace my current carb knowing that there is a better option out there. My 38 AS I is getting worn out (in my estimation), so this was a great opportunity. It still is and will be for those who choose to wait. Knowing that I have options allows me to review those options and act accordingly. I hate jetting. Period. Either the Lectron or the APT is a better option for me. So, which way do I go? See, it's not a panic. I can wait, or not wait.
The thing is, the Lectron has been under your nose for years. It had a small nitch market, but never made any real inroads in the offload world. APT comes along, and stirs up interest on a few MC forums with a new twist on the metering rod concept. After a few glowing reports of the billet carbs performance, now you have to have one. Problem is there is a vacuum, created by the near $800 billet price tag and cast carb delays. So, the Lectron, despite not being the same thing, gets sucked into this vacuum. Damn they must love APT!

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I like the fact that with the APT there is only one knob to turn and you do that with your fingers to get it dialed in. I didn't even have to get off my Husky to do so. Little more to dial in the Lectron from what I've read.
I like the fact that with the APT there is only one knob to turn and you do that with your fingers to get it dialed in. I didn't even have to get off my Husky to do so. Little more to dial in the Lectron from what I've read.

That's correct John and one of the reasons why I'm interested in still trying the apt. The low speed adjustment is by no means as much work as a normal carb but definitely not as easy as a simple one knob system.
The thing is, the Lectron has been under your nose for years. It had a small nitch market, but never made any real inroads in the offload world. APT comes along, and stirs up interest on a few MC forums with a new twist on the metering rod concept. After a few glowing reports of the billet carbs performance, now you have to have one. Problem is there is a vacuum, created by the near $800 billet price tag and cast carb delays. So, the Lectron, despite not being the same thing, gets sucked into this vacuum. Damn they must love APT!

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Exactly! I had no idea there were options beyond needles and jets and slide configurations. Knowing that there is an option is great, but knowing there are other options just makes it sweeter. I am still debating if I want in on the ground floor or if I want to keep splitting my carb for adjustments. Like I said before, the money is already spent, so it doesn't bother me if it sits some more. It's only three months until the next decision is made.

I wonder, though, if pushing the date to August is under-committing with the intent to over-deliver? As in: "Hey, the carbs are ready July 31st! Beat the deadline by two weeks! Success!"

Yeah, I'm a bit of a cynic sometimes. And yet I'm still an optimistic idealist at heart, too. Not mutually exclusive in my estimation.
I'm satisfied with my PWKs as they are, bikes run excellent. I'm not a jetting fanatic anyway, and all I ever do is adjust the airscrew and pilot seasonally. I like the fact that, if I wanted to, I could richen the bike overall to soften the power if its very slick, or if the load is very high and/or cooling might be a problem. All with simple turn of a knob in seconds. I'm in no hurry as my bikes are for sale anyway.
I ordered my SC in December too. If I had the money I would snatch up a Billet SC in a heart beat. So for now I'll let my money ride on the Cast SC. I just like everything about the ease of use with the SC. Just think, no more unbolting half the bike to make jetting changes etc!
lol...I don't adjust my airstriker. I feel like such a turd.

I can't decide what to do and probably will lose interest in doing anything and just leave my preorder in.
M357.5 and to others in Ontario Canada

If you are still on the fence about APT vs. Lectron.

I have a 36mm unit, that I am willing to let others test out.

I'm in the Ottawa region, Orleans south, and if you really want to find out what this carb is about come on up for a ride.

Send me a message and we can set up a ride date. I should also be at the Off Road Ontario races on June 8th and 9th.


So i called and tried to upgrade my carb purchase to Billet today. Called at 10am their time, I was told the person i need to talk to will call me back. No call for 2plus hrs. called back at 1pm their time, asked for someone to take my order, as i am leaving town for afternoon (riding) and will be out of cell range. Person on the phone tells me we have your info and get we will get the smart-carb ordered. Get home, this evening, message on my phone telling me to call to order.

Kind of Squirrely. I have never had to work so hard spending this much money. Anyone else having issues? Am i overreacting.