APT SmartCarb

Dear Santa

Dear Santa

I have been a good boy this year. I have used a trials tire on the trail for most of the year. I have assisted my fellow riders by lifting their bikes off them after crashing, and aided their screams of pain. I have changed the oil regularly on my bike, and kept the air filter clean and well oiled.

Please let there be an APT SmartCarb at my doorstep soon.
To Our Pre-Order Customers,
This is the May 16th update for our pre-order customers regarding progress on the38mm cast APT SmartCarb.
Here's where we're at:
Revision A evaluation SmartCarb castings have just arrived from our casting suppliers. APT expects that these castings will meet our high quality standards and that we can rapidly move forward with a production run to satisfy our pre-orders.
Here's what we need to do:
We will immediately begin evaluation and testing to make sure that the cast SmartCarbs perform as expected and ensure that we release only the highest quality product.
We expect evaluation testing to be completed within the next few days. Because of the critical evaluation APT cannot at this time announce a specific release date for cast 38mm SmartCarbs. An update will be provided on the results of the evaluation on May 23, at which time we will be able to announce a firm date for the 38mm cast SmartCarb release.
The APT SmartCarb team is working diligently and tirelessly to deliver the best product to you without sacrificing quality. Your patience is appreciated as we move ahead.
-Corey Dyess,
APT Founding Partner and Head of Development

Has anyone received an update?
To Our Pre-Order Customers,

This is a report of the Revision A cast 38mm SmartCarb analysis as well as an update on Revision B production castings.

1st SLA process prototypes
38mm SmartCarb cast prototypes were experiencing signal loss because air was leaking past the slide, bypassing the metering rod. This was due to body/fork/slide misalignment and fitment issues. These issues lead to a loss of idle control. However high speed settings and top end power met and in some cases exceeded our expectations.

Revision A Tooling
Prototype cast carburetors provided sufficient data to proceed with creating a permanent mold tool for investment casting and hopes of meeting pre purchase production timelines. The carburetors produced from hard tooling were expected to exceed the quality of SLA prototypes.

Revision A Analysis
This week the Revision A carburetor samples were again deemed unacceptable due to distortions in the castings and misalignment issues in the slide cavity area that cause improper sealing. Assembly of the carburetor castings required excessive custom fitting, also considered unacceptable for mass production.

Revision B Tooling
Rev A analysis requires changes to be made for a Revision B tool. Every effort is being made to improve idle control and accurate air/fuel metering in the cast carburetors. The fork will now be pinned into the body and a ?chilling block? will be used to reduce body distortion. Check valves have become a mandatory addition to the Rev B tool as well.

Current Actions
We will follow through with Revision B tooling and produce pre production castings to test. We are currently working with our casting supplier to make changes to the tooling.

If Revision B cast SmartCarbs meet our quality standards, production 38mm cast carbs can now only be released as early as August 12, 2013.

The following options for pre purchasers include:

1. Full refund, no questions asked
2. Upgrade your purchase to a billet carburetor with a $50 manufacturer rebate
3. Wait patiently for the best fuel system ever developed
Well had high hopes, but I'll be looking for a full refund.

Maybe reorder when they are in full production. Cant justify a Billet version.
Well had high hopes, but I'll be looking for a full refund.

Maybe reorder when they are in full production. Cant justify a Billet version.

That's exactly what I thought, I got a full refund on may 1st and when they get there stuff sorted then ill order one at that time precisely for this reason, I thought this would happen and I'd be waiting months. I don't think once they go into Full swing production it will be difficult to attain one quickly anyway.
I think I would go to 600 for the billet otherwise I am pulling out <insert crude joke here> and wait for them to get things sorted.
All I can say is wow!

I know...

I seriously didn't expect that.

I can't imagine many customers would...

Well had high hopes, but I'll be looking for a full refund.

Maybe reorder when they are in full production. Cant justify a Billet version.

I may be doing the same...
I considered upgrading to the billet, but a $50 rebate is laughable, all things considered... If there was a realistic rebate for customers on the pre-order list allowing them to upgrade to the billet carb, I would. I bet the $50 doesn't cover shipping to Canada.
Took the refund!

They pleasantly refunded my money, I had ordered on the 12th of December, I'll await the release of the Smartcarb and wait for real world reviews, If the real world reviews are positive I will make an order. Not going to go the Lectron route as my bike runs pretty good, I spent a lot of time to get to the current jetting that I'm running..and am happy enough with it for now...

I seriously didn't expect that.

I did..

After the first set back there was zero chance I was going to wait around another 6 months. It was immediately clear that the options were money back refund, or upgrade. I know a lot of people will be disappointed and realistically, when spending $800 on a product, $50 is here or there.

I expect a large shift to Lectron ahead, for those who were determined to jump on this band wagon, and from experience I doubt anyone would be disappointed with what the Lectron provides, consider it actually does provide (ie you can order it, receive it, put it in your bike, and be using it).

6 months down the track APT might be in a better place, and I hope they are. Lectron may have also received more feedback, implemented a few new tricks, and also be a better revision of what is already a solid product.
I've had experience with investment casting stainless steel. Even with the best ideas you can never be sure how accurate the finished product will be. Mold revisions are a fact of life when you need to reach very close tolerances. APT looks to be doing their best to keep everyone informed. A good relationship with a new supplier is always expected but rarely achieved on the first go. I understand their problems.
Well, I guess I can afford that new Alpinestars chest protector I have been eying. I might spring for a Lectron down the road, I want to see if Kelly (Motosportz) has a GG version or if the Husky package (includes cable) will fit.

A little disappointed, I didn't expect another three months to wait. Now that I think about it, three months isn't that bad. Maybe I'll wait. They've had my cash since December 9th, what's another three months (and change)? I mean, it's not like they would have ANOTHER set back, right? Right?
A little disappointed, I didn't expect another three months to wait. Now that I think about it, three months isn't that bad. Maybe I'll wait. They've had my cash since December 9th, what's another three months (and change)? I mean, it's not like they would have ANOTHER set back, right? Right?

From my days in software development we worked on a 20/80 principal. 20% of the time getting the product 80% functional. The other 80% of the time was spent ironing out the bugs.

I'm guessing it might take a couple more revisions yet before everything checks out right. On the bright side, at least they are continuing to communicate their actions and findings and aren't attempting to push out a poor product.

A better resolution would be to offer everyone on the preorder list the option to have their money returned, as well as maintaining their position on the list with a choice to buy when the product is finally available. I think many would be happy with that. Some probably don't care about $400 sitting elsewhere with an unknown ETA, but others might feel better holding onto their own money. Sounds fair to me.
I had placed my order for my 1983 RM250, but it isnt near completion yet ( engine is in pieces on my bench lol ). So figured I'd use it on my EC250 instead. After reading about members shipping their billet version all over for testing on various makes/models/displacements with excellent results I figured this was a viable option for me.

Think I'll call Rob Lang and get a Lectron for the RM and leave my Gasser alone for this season and just run with the stock carb.

Probably order a SC ( if ready ) to swap onto the Gasser next winter.
A better resolution would be to offer everyone on the preorder list the option to have their money returned, as well as maintaining their position on the list with a choice to buy when the product is finally available. I think many would be happy with that. Some probably don't care about $400 sitting elsewhere with an unknown ETA, but others might feel better holding onto their own money. Sounds fair to me.

I was considering asking Corey for something similar, where I could get a refund of $300 and keep $100 for a spot in line in lieu of a full refund. Money is already spent, so I would just waste it on something foolish, like food or shelter. Might as well keep some of it pointed at the bike. Coincidentally, a Lectron costs ~$300. Worst case is I buy a Lectron until the cast version is smooth as silk, then sell the Lectron to fund the APT purchase. Heck, for the cost of a Lectron added to the cast APT I could have a billet. Hm. Waiting (pensively) for your comparison, Jake.

"I spent most of my money on booze and women. The rest I wasted."
Why panic and jump to the Lectron? Before APT became known no one even. considered a Lectron. I don't need a carb, mine works fine and I'm not in a rush to solve a problem. I got on the APT train because I like and understand the technology, which is at another level over the Lectron. APT has kept their eye on the ball, and that is to make sure high tolerance production parts can be run in large numbers for OEM contracts. Thats what this is all about, so in the big picture a couple of delays are nothing. Sure it sucks because you tied up cash and want it ASAP, but do you really need the alternative that bad? Makes a lot more sense to just pull out and wait than settle for something less.
I don't think that is accurate or fair to say that the lectron is a lesser product due to one companies claims without a direct comparison in controlled conditions.