APT SmartCarb

So i called and tried to upgrade my carb purchase to Billet today. Called at 10am their time, I was told the person i need to talk to will call me back. No call for 2plus hrs. called back at 1pm their time, asked for someone to take my order, as i am leaving town for afternoon (riding) and will be out of cell range. Person on the phone tells me we have your info and get we will get the smart-carb ordered. Get home, this evening, message on my phone telling me to call to order.

Kind of Squirrely. I have never had to work so hard spending this much money. Anyone else having issues? Am i overreacting.

That's hilarious because I went through this but it took 2 days for a return call and I actually purchased the lectron hours before Steve called me back. I thought someone would call back within the hour to move a billet.
Not saying that, but what I am saying is that it is not as complete a system as the APT with the pressurized float chamber. This cannot be denied. The external rod adjustmet is also a big + for a GG rider. Less you have to deal with the airboot the better. Honestly I'd probably be happy with either as I'm not that particular about a little low end richness and actually prefer it for high load situations like long steep climbs for max torque. Other than that the throttle is open and moving and thats fine on a 250. JMO, but for the same price range I'd just rather play with the latest tech. I really don't need either though.
I'm sure several of you guys are thinking take a hike Lectron guy, i am just trying to help. As I did an extensive report on the APT before I got a Lectron and thought it was excellent as well.

Well yes. This is a thread about the Smartcarb and your posting/defending the benefits of the lectron. And your a lectron dealer.
Well yes. This is a thread about the Smartcarb and your posting/defending the benefits of the lectron. And your a lectron dealer.

Deleted my posts, sorry for trying to post info. Buddy told me to not bother trying to help here as I'll just get nasty posts, he was right. Please delete your quote so all that info is gone if you like. No problem, sorry to be such a bother and post facts.
Deleted my posts, sorry for trying to post info. Buddy told me to not bother trying to help here as I'll just get nasty posts, he was right. Please delete your quote so all that info is gone if you like. No problem, sorry to be such a bother and post facts.

I see no harm of you posting comments here. I find it very helpful to read true honest facts. We are grown adults that then have the power to make our own decisions and opinions.
Thanks - Stu
A little sensitive maybe??:confused: I think everyone thats interested in the topic understands the basic differences, and your posts were fine. There is no argument or bashing here, just facts. First fact yes its true, the Lectron metering rod concept has been around for awhile, and it does compensate to a point, a lot better than a PWK. Second fact, the APT takes this a step farther, and is easier to adjust. The cast carb performance is still a question but that is why we are waiting. Third, you sell Lectrons. Lets be honest here, if you got an APT deal, that would be the better carb. Thats OK though, I think we all understand thats business and can make our own decisions based on the facts and our own needs. No need to get upset over it.
Deleted my posts, sorry for trying to post info. Buddy told me to not bother trying to help here as I'll just get nasty posts, he was right. Please delete your quote so all that info is gone if you like. No problem, sorry to be such a bother and post facts.

I think the same thing Kelly, talk about rediculously sensitive. We are all just talking here and the products share similarities so I find nothing wrong at all with your posts.

Glenn, I do agree with your comment on apt, if they were the same price and available you are right I would have the smart carb. Just a touch easier tuning.
Like I said before I think Lectron and anyone making $$ selling them for that matter should thank APT for reviving the interest in metering rod carbs in the dirt bike world. Think about it.
A little sensitive maybe??:confused:

No but the first comment was how my info was not welcome here and I'm not going to play that game. I have been 100% honest throughout. I wrote glowing report about the APT, loved the carb and wrote volumes about it on the husky forum. Tried to become a dealer, they have no product nor do dealers so that was not an option. Got a Lectron, thought it offered a bunch too and signed up. I have been upfront about all this. I don't care to get into pissing matches and if you were on the husky forum you would know I ride a ton, am very involved, love products that enhance the sport we love. I make very little on the Lectrons, have spend many hours understanding it and even making custom rods for the unique needs of the 125-165 motors. I absolutely do not care if you order direct from the very helpful people at Lecton and bypass me altogether. This is not my core biz nor do I make much of anything on them. I posted in the Lectron thread and should have left it there from the get go but saw LOTS of Lectron discussion here to and thought I would lend some facts from my vast knowledge of that product regardless if i sell them or not. I never kept that a secret in any way and it is posted here in several places.

I will leave you to your APT thread now, great carbs, have fun.
No but the first comment was how my info was not welcome here and I'm not going to play that game. I have been 100% honest throughout. I wrote glowing report about the APT, loved the carb and wrote volumes about it on the husky forum. Tried to become a dealer, they have no product nor do dealers so that was not an option. Got a Lectron, thought it offered a bunch too and signed up. I have been upfront about all this. I don't care to get into pissing matches and if you were on the husky forum you would know I ride a ton, am very involved, love products that enhance the sport we love. I make very little on the Lectrons, have spend many hours understanding it and even making custom rods for the unique needs of the 125-165 motors. I absolutely do not care if you order direct from the very helpful people at Lecton and bypass me altogether. This is not my core biz nor do I make much of anything on them. I posted in the Lectron thread and should have left it there from the get go but saw LOTS of Lectron discussion here to and thought I would lend some facts from my vast knowledge of that product regardless if i sell them or not. I never kept that a secret in any way and it is posted here in several places.

I will leave you to your APT thread now, great carbs, have fun.

Lol I was referring to the other guy Kelly not you! And by the way I appreciate all of the helpful input you and many others add to this site.:)
If you were closer I'd get some lessons from you bro I seem to have been somewhat challenged in the communication department lately! Lucky for me I have you to keep reminding me;)
This thread just went totally ridiculous for no reason at all. I'm done explaining myself, if you feel that hurt so be it but it was not intentional.
Was neither of you it was...


"Well yes. This is a thread about the Smartcarb and your posting/defending the benefits of the lectron. And your a lectron dealer."

I feared this as I posted, the first response was go away so I deleted this stuff. No harm not offended or scared off just not going to play that game over and over. I'll leave my comments to the Lectron thread then everyone is happy, I hope.

I respect your opinion regarding anything GG and dirt bikes as you've demonstrated your knowledge and ability to fabricate parts many times. Having said that, I wish you could try both the Lectron and APT so your theories could be proved or disproved. I have the Lectron, but I really don't have a dog in the fight as I'm not a dealer and stand to gain nothing either way. Perhaps the APT will be found to be a superior carb, but the more I read about people's experiences with both, I am becoming more convinced that the difference isn't as great as some have implied.

The only thing I've read that I can fault you on thus far is the comment about not wanting to mess with the airboot any more than necessary to adjust the carb. I can definitely see where you're coming from, but the Lectron actually solved all of my airboot problems due to its longer length. Now I simply loosen the clamps and rotate the carb to adjust it without fear of the airboot not sealing properly. Better yet, adjustments are few and far between once it is initially dialed in.

No disrespect intended.
Hey, no offense taken, it's just a discussion. Also, I have not yet used either carb, I'm just commenting on the engineering differences between the two, as far as the compensation. It just makes sense that the APT should be slightly better as its more advanced, that's it. Likely the Lectron is perfectly adequate though. The APT adjuster is just a simple, no tools affair. I can't see how that is anything but better.
Truth is both of these are in very small field populations, and no cast APTs yet, so we will learn a lot more about both including reliability and durability in the future. The thing to realize as I have said is that the companies have two different missions, APT looking a lot farther down the road than replacement carbs for bikes.

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Hey, no offense taken, it's just a discussion. Also, I have not yet used either carb, I'm just commenting on the engineering differences between the two, as far as the compensation. It just makes sense that the APT should be slightly better as its more advanced, that's it. Likely the Lectron is perfectly adequate though. The APT adjuster is just a simple, no tools affair. I can't see how that is anything but better.
Truth is both of these are in very small field populations, and no cast APTs yet, so we will learn a lot more about both including reliability and durability in the future. The thing to realize as I have said is that the companies have two different missions, APT looking a lot farther down the road than replacement carbs for bikes.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Did I miss something here? :D

I think we have been more than honest about the history of the SmartCarb, my direct involvement with Red (the inventor of Lectron) during the development of the SC and our intentions as a company.

We are not chasing the carburetor market, our competition is FI, and we are well aware of Lectron's limitations, even with Kelly's new found expertise about metering rods. :eek: Our pursuit is a viable emissions reduction strategy, which is clearly what is driving our industry. The pursuit of the cast carburetor was for satisfying OEM interests and a comparable price point in the aftermarket.
I respect your opinion regarding anything GG and dirt bikes as you've demonstrated your knowledge and ability to fabricate parts many times. Having said that, I wish you could try both the Lectron and APT so your theories could be proved or disproved. I have the Lectron, but I really don't have a dog in the fight as I'm not a dealer and stand to gain nothing either way. Perhaps the APT will be found to be a superior carb, but the more I read about people's experiences with both, I am becoming more convinced that the difference isn't as great as some have implied.

Anyone with a perfectly dialed Lectron is welcome to come by our facilities any time and we would be happy to do a back to back comparison for free. And then we can go ride the mountains of Colorado and Wyoming for the real proof.