APT SmartCarb

That was Marshal, not smith. They ran the stock carb on Marshal's bike, might run the Smart Carb at Mount Morris but it will be a different rider due to Marshal's shoulder injury.

See the title of my last post ;)

I didn't know that he had been hurt. Bummer.
See the title of my last post ;)

I didn't know that he had been hurt. Bummer.

Sorry I never read titles and when you quoted that post I got confused LOL.

Yes he hit Canard's bike early in moto 1 and separated his shoulder. They have some leads on a good replacement rider but I do not think they signed anyone yet (I am a moderator on twostrokemotocross).
Thanks Jake, I was thinking of the folk's who've had there's a while.
As for myself 7months. couldn't be happier,even more so when the cast
36 show's up for the 200.. But an update on the newer bowl's would be

I'll sell you the whole thing.. float bowl and all. Not impressed with it.

Note: time to talk to Corey.
You say Lectron is better than SC?

In fairness to APT, I need to talk to Corey before making claims like that.. My own personal experience with the Smart Carb hasn't been impressive. There have been a few small things that I'm not too happy about (fit, return spring on the slide binding, poor feel on the clicker/adjuster) but I can live with these. I've put a few hours on it now and I just can't get it to run close to where I want it to be. I know I said the Lectron wasn't 100% either, but in comparison, the SC is only around 75%, the Lectron was 90%. This doesn't mean that the Smart Carb won't be perfect.. Its just not there yet..
Ok, i see. How about Lectron/SC vs. stock Keihin with good jetting? In your % scale of perfectness? :) Mine pwk works pretty nice but it can be just because i dont know better...yet. I'd Like to try Lectron or SC someday but it is worth of money spent is what i thinking?

Sent from Razr MAXX
That was comparing to my PWK.. I'd consider that as close to perfect but I did put it a lot of hours tinkering to get there, and even then it had run lean at times.. But the complexity of it, allowed me to change exactly what I wasn't happy with.. It had more adjustability, which allowed better results.

After 90km loop today mixed riding.. The APT carb just hit reserve when warming it up after its wash. Very similar to what I used to get with the PWK too.
Just another quick update. Have been in contact with Corey, who is going to send out another metering rod (same profile) as he believes this may be the cause of my running issues. I've been happy with the fuel consumption, and most impressed with the throttle response, torque and power output above 1/4 throttle. The check valves work as described too. The bike will run upside down :D I'm confident Corey will back his product and do whatevers needed to get it running correctly off the bottom end.

Can anyone else confirm which metering rods their carbs came with and how many clicks out?
Just another quick update. Have been in contact with Corey, who is going to send out another metering rod (same profile) as he believes this may be the cause of my running issues. I've been happy with the fuel consumption, and most impressed with the throttle response, torque and power output above 1/4 throttle. The check valves work as described too. The bike will run upside down :D I'm confident Corey will back his product and do whatevers needed to get it running correctly off the bottom end.

Can anyone else confirm which metering rods their carbs came with and how many clicks out?

Mine is around 58 to 60 clicks out , not sure which rod though , I had the hanging idle and pinging until I applied gasget compound to the gasgets , not sure if that was the cure but it's now gone , my fuel level is around a quarter from the top of the bowl , I tried it lower but if on the gas it would soon empty the bowl .
My bike now runs fantastic , not tried it in the sand since though .
Do you have a pic of the new bowl with the drain jake .


Sounds like you all have the A100 needle. Mines running around 28-30 clicks. Still working on it..
I can't seem to start my morning without my daily Jakobi-SmartCarb Update. :D

APT should be paying you folks handsomely for all the R&D y'all been doin' fer 'em. :cool:
Well.. I'm off to ride mine now! Heading out with a full tank and an extra litre for a 100km loop. Few transport sections, but mostly techy. We'll see if she can go the distance!
I just can't get over how much you get to ride:confused:

Missus at work.. young fellas at school.. mates keen to ride.. Its a given!

My roster is 4 days on, 4 days off, and a lot of others here work for the mines. Shift work fly in, fly out (week on, week off or 2 weeks on, 2 weks off). A few others are self employeed, and every weekend there is 9-5'er who's looking to get away from it all! :D

Edit: Ride was good. 100kms I think (speedo reset itself at one point). I added another litre from the backpack early in the ride too. She ran well at the leaner settings, but still acts up at times. Sometimes it'll feel rich, other times it'll feel leanish and slightly hang idle.. With the clicker 2 leaner from previous there was a hugely noticable lack in torque, a slight burble just off idle, and a lean hole just after. The bike was very crisp in the mid and top, but did require a bit more clutching to bring it alive. Gear selection was also much more critical. Granted some of the trails were well steep, and much like goat tracks, the bike wouldn't pull 2nd where it would on the PWK/Lectron. Shifting back to 1st it ran quite well and very smooth. Maybe I just need to change my riding style? I could probably live with it like this. The other riders were all on pumpkins and kept a good pace (200EXC, 250EXC-F, and 350EXC-F). Found the limits of the suspension a few times..
Is this with the new metering rod?
How do you feel about the APT now compared to the Lectron?

No, I'm still working with the standard rod that came with the carb. I have no received any replacements yet. Corey held off sending it out after my remark about selling the carb (thats understandable). Being in Australia everything takes a few weeks unless you spend big $$ on postage. I'll try the new needle out when it gets here.