Favorite Pre-Mix Oil

Anybody try the Lucas semi synthetic you can buy at part stores like autozone.

I used it at 40:1. Every bit as good as Golden Sectro Semi-syn but was half the price.
A couple of years ago the price went up at the two auto parts stores in town, so I switched to the Motul for just a little bit more. I now run the 710 at 50:1. Its super clean burning at trail riding pace.
I now run the 710 at 50:1. Its super clean burning at trail riding pace.

Thats really interesting to know. Because the lanes i use rarely require me to 'Gun' the old girl, and i merely poodle around too.

Have you had or needed any sort of strip-down since you've been using the 710 to see if the PV is gummed up etc........ ?
Thats really interesting to know. Because the lanes i use rarely require me to 'Gun' the old girl, and i merely poodle around too.

Have you had or needed any sort of strip-down since you've been using the 710 to see if the PV is gummed up etc........ ?
Recently read an advertorial by motul and they basically said the 710 is more suited to Enduro/ single track/old man riding. If you are riding flat out high revs the 800 is the one you need
Recently read an advertorial by motul and they said the 710 is more suited to old man riding.

Sign me up !

And seriously: Can i just swap from a sythetic to an Ester based pre-mix oil with no issues ??

And if i swap: Is my bike gonna smell like a proper 2-stroke too with it being Ester based :- ) Used to be a drop of Castrol R40 in the tank when i was a lad.........
Thats really interesting to know. Because the lanes i use rarely require me to 'Gun' the old girl, and i merely poodle around too.

Have you had or needed any sort of strip-down since you've been using the 710 to see if the PV is gummed up etc........ ?

I have yet to do a top end since the switch, but I have not had any PV issues. I can tell you that I used to get a little spooge with the Lucas and Golden Spectro. More spooge with Motul 800 (I only ran a few liters through for that reason), and zero spooge since I started using the Motul 710.
FWIW, I have also used Maxima K2 off and on and I get zero spooge with it. It has a similar low flash point like the Motul 710. I may go to it exclusively because the exhaust smells much better.
I have yet to do a top end since the switch, but I have not had any PV issues. I can tell you that I used to get a little spooge with the Lucas and Golden Spectro. More spooge with Motul 800 (I only ran a few liters through for that reason), and zero spooge since I started using the Motul 710.
FWIW, I have also used Maxima K2 off and on and I get zero spooge with it. It has a similar low flash point like the Motul 710. I may go to it exclusively because the exhaust smells much better.

Great info. Many thanks.

You may go exclusively to the Maxima ? (Expensive - but just looked and available here in the UK too......)
Mamima Super M. I used K2 for about a year then it went way up in price so I switched to Super M as it is about two-thirds the price. Rarely running at high revs so I figured it would do the very best. Mix at 50:1, runs really clean, just a nice wee ring of oil round the exhaust.
Mamima Super M. I used K2 for about a year then it went way up in price so I switched to Super M as it is about two-thirds the price. Rarely running at high revs so I figured it would do the very best. Mix at 50:1, runs really clean, just a nice wee ring of oil round the exhaust.

Thats worth knowing.......

Does it smell nice though ;) :D
Oh yes it smells good Shuv, though nothing smells like good old castor oil. I used to run Castrol 747 in my race mini-moto and it was beautiful!

This works well with hardly a drip of spooge. It's has a lower flash point than the regular SuperTechniplate and the R50.

Smells like dirt bike sex too....:D
My .02

After reading these posts [and other forums over the years] I decided to make a change.
I had great results for many years with Motul 800 [50:1] in my Yamaha. Upon switching to KTM & Gas Gas I began to notice spooge drip line running down the length of the silencer. It was actually worse with my Gassers than the KTM.

Last year I switched to Redline [50:1] and the results were much better but still developed more spooge than I liked. The Motul 800 developed so much that it actually would drip off the silencer onto the swingarm. The Redline mix was better but still dripped about halfway down the silencer and was thick enough to be difficult to clean off.

So, for this last weekends ride I made the switch back to Motul but the 710 [based on some posts here] at the same 50:1 ratio.

After 2.5hrs of a mix of single track and fast double track, I had ZERO spooge running down the silencer.

I will note that I had less "smoke time" on warm up and when hard on the gas out on the trail with the 710 than I did with either the 800 or Redline. Throttle response seemed better and power/torque delivery "felt" stronger.

The "non existent" spooge tells me that it is indeed a "cleaner" burning mix. I will keep an eye on things to make sure that it is the case and not a situation that is actually too lean. I think I will stay with this one for a while since one ride may not be a sufficient test.

FWIW that is my 2 cents.
That was what I also found with the 800/710.
Read some more and I believe the 800 needs a higher temp to burn so if you lugging with slightly rich jetting it will not burn off as well as the 710
That was what I also found with the 800/710.
Read some more and I believe the 800 needs a higher temp to burn so if you lugging with slightly rich jetting it will not burn off as well as the 710

Exactly, Motul 800 has a higher flash point than 710, so requires a higher temperatures to burn off efficiently.
800 is designed around high rpm and high load engines, generally, offroad riding doesn't evoke situations where the engine is hot enough for 800 to burn off, hence the spooge.
Exactly, Motul 800 has a higher flash point than 710, so requires a higher temperatures to burn off efficiently.
800 is designed around high rpm and high load engines, generally, offroad riding doesn't evoke situations where the engine is hot enough for 800 to burn off, hence the spooge.

And that's a bad thing ????I rather have it coming down the exhaust then having it transform to carbon on the valve and piston
Motool 710/800 and Dominator are 2 stroke oils, no valves - no worries.
800 would be for WFO around an MX type track or if you were road-racing a 2T or a very, very fast offroad guy. 710/Dominator are oils for those not WFO all the time, they won't fill up your silencer baffles with un-burnt oil.
And that's a bad thing ????I rather have it coming down the exhaust then having it transform to carbon on the valve and piston

It won't carbon up the piston as the oil gets burned in the pipe (unless you are VERY hot in the combustion chamber). Oil isn't part of the combustion mixture, it gets burned off in the pipe (counter intuitive, I know). A low temp oil will burn in the combustion chamber if the engine gets too hot, like you don't have coolant, etc, but in general the oil gets pumped into the pipe where it burns off or spooges out the back.
In theory oil should separate from gas in the crankcase and only gas should come up the transfer ports to the cylinder but that's not always the case. Low flash point oils are more prone to get burned along with gas, the carbon deposits on top of the piston are the consequence of this .

you know a lot of guys are not riding now !! I swear the how much and what kind of oil discussions come up frequently in dec. jan.
I came up with an excuse not to go out today (too cold + wet) and here I am
you know a lot of guys are not riding now !! I swear the how much and what kind of oil discussions come up frequently in dec. jan.
I came up with an excuse not to go out today (too cold + wet) and here I am

Too funny... :D