APT SmartCarb

Well the ups guy left a card at mine this morning ,153 pounds or near 250 dollars :eek: , thats what comes of being impatient:rolleyes:

for shipping?? :eek:
wonder how much shipping would be to europe then! :confused:
if it's that expensive, then i'm definately out for the smartcarb...

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for shipping?? :eek:
wonder how much shipping would be to europe then! :confused:
if it's that expansive, then i'm definately out for the smartcarb...


Import duty , cast version will be half of that , like everything in this country we get spanked

I just ordered my smart carb, Cory is great to communicate with. He is sending a carb cap that will accept both stock and t-3 cables. Cool!!!! Thanks Guys for all the info.
If you Canucks are willing, I'm sure I can find away to get SmartCarbs to Canada for a lot less than $120. :cool:

Dearborn is only 10 minutes from the border, and my boyhood home is on the Ontario side of Lake Huron.
Oh boy not this whole shipping thing again, please tell me Corey that shipping isn't 100+ dollars to ship to Canada. If so me and my buddies are out 2. I can't believe I can get a set of trelleborgs sent to me for 50-60 bucks but a carb will cost me upwards of 150 bucks???? USPS is the only way to ship to Canada or we get totally screwed on brokerage with ups or FedEx.

Word Trev. Just going through it with Ohlins now re my shock. They don't trust USPS tracking and word from the boss is that they won't send it that way. $70 option out. Instead its going to set me back $200+ with UPS.
for shipping?? :eek:
wonder how much shipping would be to europe then! :confused:
if it's that expensive, then i'm definately out for the smartcarb...


Guys, I'm not sure what is going on with our shipping dept. I just got back from overseas and need to find out why we are having such a problem finding another carrier, or means of getting it in USPS. Hang with us.:confused: We can't legally keep doing the development sample thing and I've been getting flack from legal about it.
Word Trev. Just going through it with Ohlins now re my shock. They don't trust USPS tracking and word from the boss is that they won't send it that way. $70 option out. Instead its going to set me back $200+ with UPS.

PM to you Jakobi
Word Trev. Just going through it with Ohlins now re my shock. They don't trust USPS tracking and word from the boss is that they won't send it that way. $70 option out. Instead its going to set me back $200+ with UPS.

Are you kidding me?????? God this pisses me off. We pay the coin everyone else does but get screwed for shipping! Thank god for NAFTA that worked out great for corporate not for the working man, what a joke
Guys, I'm not sure what is going on with our shipping dept. I just got back from overseas and need to find out why we are having such a problem finding another carrier, or means of getting it in USPS. Hang with us.:confused: We can't legally keep doing the development sample thing and I've been getting flack from legal about it.

Thanks Corey, if you can get them to ship USPS I'll order a billet carb ASAP. No worries about the "sample thing" keep yourself out of trouble!
At least if it ships USPS there is a good chance it will just slip through the border or worst case scenario, they charge $5 plus provincial sales tax. UPS on the other hand likes to make a $100 order cost $200 with all their "brokerage fees".
Thanks Corey, if you can get them to ship USPS I'll order a billet carb ASAP. No worries about the "sample thing" keep yourself out of trouble!
At least if it ships USPS there is a good chance it will just slip through the border or worst case scenario, they charge $5 plus provincial sales tax. UPS on the other hand likes to make a $100 order cost $200 with all their "brokerage fees".

I see, well I hate those charges too and completely agree. I don't work with the system and not sure what our shipping is communicating when people north of the border are ordering. We're just about out of inventory I think, however I'll make sure our online store allows for shipping options, in the meantime just call me. I know we've always been glad to do what we can and work with guys that have been able to cross over to a US address and save some bucks, I ate the charges for several people early on. For sure I thought we were sending USPS to those requesting it. Twowheels made a reasonable suggestion maybe for some.
Hey Corey I noticed today that even the exhaust on my Husky 165 smells different/better with the SmartCarb. Can this be or is it just me :confused:?
Hey Corey I noticed today that even the exhaust on my Husky 165 smells different/better with the SmartCarb. Can this be or is it just me :confused:?

don't get so high on your "new" exhaust smells :D
ride it instead of standing behind sniffing it's butt :p

maybe it's because there's less unburnt fuel going in the exhaust because the mixture burns better in the compression chamber + the mixture going in the engine is much more emulsified, so more gas-like, and therefore less "liquid" mixture ends up in your exhaust.(as a 2stroke allways loses some of it's mixture thrue the exhaust port)
just what came to my mind...

I have an 01 250 XC. Currently it's getting a new head/piston ported for more low end, squish set, stock compression ratio, 275 cc motor. I'm an older beat up guy and ride in some very technical terrain and I prefer torque over HP. I almost always ride a "gear high", sometimes even 2 gears up and due to terrain my speed average is usually 10-15mph where I ride. Very technical rides most of the time. I don't race, but try to keep up with racers where I ride so many rides are somewhat aggressive.

Question is, would I spend my money better to send the carb off to RB designs for the mods they do, or try the Smart Carb? Has anyone compared the two? Any reliability concerns for either carb itself or how either one affects the motor? Pros and Cons? I have been reading that the RB Designs carb mods improve fuel mileage, as does the Smart Carb. Which one helps mileage more? Mileage is not my primary concern but my bike with a stock tank will only go about 37-39 miles currently. I've been considering a larger tank, but if either of these carbs will get me up to the 45+ mpg mark I can forgo that expense.

Any other advice on a different carb or carb mods?

Thanks, Jeff.
Hey Corey I noticed today that even the exhaust on my Husky 165 smells different/better with the SmartCarb. Can this be or is it just me :confused:?

The SmartCarb atomizes to less than 10 microns in most conditions, oil too, when in a premix. This creates a very high surface area of fuel distributed throughout the cylinder and creates an almost complete burn of ALL the components in the combustion chamber. This is the reason that there is no spooge and no visible emissions. Hopefully you've noticed I'm not much of a bragger, but the SmartCarb is absolutely going to be one of the most viable solutions to the emissions equation. Combined with other technologies; trapping valves, grooved heads/pistons, compression wave technology, etc. we may never move to DFI for our bikes. Anyway we are moving into a vigorous certification program for many manufacturers as we speak, so please, follow along. ;)

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I have an 01 250 XC. Currently it's getting a new head/piston ported for more low end, squish set, stock compression ratio, 275 cc motor. I'm an older beat up guy and ride in some very technical terrain and I prefer torque over HP. I almost always ride a "gear high", sometimes even 2 gears up and due to terrain my speed average is usually 10-15mph where I ride. Very technical rides most of the time. I don't race, but try to keep up with racers where I ride so many rides are somewhat aggressive.

Question is, would I spend my money better to send the carb off to RB designs for the mods they do, or try the Smart Carb? Has anyone compared the two? Any reliability concerns for either carb itself or how either one affects the motor? Pros and Cons? I have been reading that the RB Designs carb mods improve fuel mileage, as does the Smart Carb. Which one helps mileage more? Mileage is not my primary concern but my bike with a stock tank will only go about 37-39 miles currently. I've been considering a larger tank, but if either of these carbs will get me up to the 45+ mpg mark I can forgo that expense.

Any other advice on a different carb or carb mods?

Thanks, Jeff.

Jeff, I'll answer you later today, when I have a minute.

Thanks, Corey
Thanks Corey good to know the performance gains aren't messing with my sense of smell. The SmartCarb has affected my grin control senses though :D!! Thanks again.
Question is, would I spend my money better to send the carb off to RB designs for the mods they do, or try the Smart Carb? Has anyone compared the two? Any reliability concerns for either carb itself or how either one affects the motor? Pros and Cons? I have been reading that the RB Designs carb mods improve fuel mileage, as does the Smart Carb. Which one helps mileage more? Mileage is not my primary concern but my bike with a stock tank will only go about 37-39 miles currently. I've been considering a larger tank, but if either of these carbs will get me up to the 45+ mpg mark I can forgo that expense.

Any other advice on a different carb or carb mods?

Thanks, Jeff.
I don't know about the smart carb but the RB carb and head mod did net me about 10-12% better gas mileage. I think most of the mileage gains came from the head mod. Carb was bored to 39mm and it really woke up my top end. This was on a 300 and all my 300s have gotten 22-23 mpg in stock form. That's regular trail riding and works out to 55 miles per (stock) tank. 250s seem to get slightly less mileage.
Jeff my son sent the head and carb to RB off his 2011 TM 250Mx and together they made a big improvement on that bike. He still has the normal agustments to make to keep up with temps etc. and if his fuel mileage increased it must be small because we can see it. I'm not sure how much was RB head mod or RB carb mod that made up his improvements. The difference in the way my Husky 165 runs with the SmartCarb is night and day. And yes I had re-jetted the old carb many many times with all kids of needles, jets, divider plates etc. I'd get it running really good and then a temp change would change things up just enough to have to play with the AF screw and idle adjustments at a minimum. I love the fact that the SmartCarb does away with all that and if that was all it did I still would have gotten it. The fact that my bike now pulls WAY stronger, quicker, cleaner, crisper, starts better, idles smoother, etc. is all icing on the cake. I haven't checked fuel mileage as of yet. I'm sure Corey will give you better answers to your questions.this is just my .02.; get the SmartCarb.
I'm starting to have a really hard time waiting for the diecast version. It's gonna make my riding experience so much more enjoyable. I had jetting issues all summer with my de300. Super hot days and lots of elevation changes. I spent a ton of time reading and re-reading all the jetting posts.
This new Smart Carb is like a miracle to me and I have a feeling it's gonna help sell alot more two strokes in the future. I recommend Jeff read this whole SmartCarb thread and then decide.;)
I'm in Port Angeles, in sight of Victoria, B.C.

If anyone wants to send a carb to me, then walk over and pick it up, I'll be more than happy to help out.