APT SmartCarb

Ando, no apologies needed. But, accepted.;)

I did the carb review as an FYI.
It generated more interest than anyone can imagine.
Corey getting on board was a big help to anyone that had questions beyond what I would be able to answer.

Here we have an American made product,a rare thing now-a-days that is doing well.

It is a game changer in the motorcycle industry. We are witnesses to a revolution!

Aside from having a hard start issue in the pouring, cold rain.I have had zero troubles out of mine.
Everytime I ride now, I'm amazed at how well the bike runs. I do shift a lot less now due to the power increase.
I belong to both forums although I am mostly an occasional lurker here at GasGasrider. Both CafeHusky and this site are what these forums should be about. Civil, mature conversations, ideas, stories, Product Reviews, help both solicited and volunteered, and general comaraderie. I would hate to have any of that change.

I can personally attest to the power of consumer word of mouth. I started building 165 kits for the Husky 125 simply because I wanted 125 feel with enough beans to haul my fat ass up and over any nasty, gnarly, tight single track that we have here in Western Montana. I had no dream of ever ordering more than the initial 10 custom pistons. The kit has taken off far beyond anything I intended or really wanted. In its first year I am now on my 3rd re-order of 25-27 piston kits. The kit performs so well that all this has happened by in large through word of mouth. I don't advertise at all. I respond to any questions on any site where they are asked and give personal attention to all. This is what Corey and Steve are doing and they will sell a boat load of these carbs because they do perform as advertised. I realize they will be doing ad-work but it is this word of mouth that will sell the vast majority of there initial runs.

Now if I just knew how to make money doing this life would be good. :rolleyes: Maybe next year as I continue to learn the ins and outs of manufacturing and price points.

I applaud Corey and Steve for taking the time to come here and answer questions when they both have to be very busy with so many other demands. Thank you
I should also point out that it was also through the member help on Cafe Husky that my kit took off. Kelly at Motosportz rode one and had to tell all about it and has been an immense help as have a couple of dealers and riders on that forum. These forums really can influence how and what gets built.
I've only heard rumors about the jacka@$'s at Cafehusky. Not so much a rumor anymore.

I appreciate any vendor, owner, or product designer to make time to come on here and answer questions.

I appreciate everyone sticking up for me, but really I don't look at it like it that. I spoke with Dean several times and he explained to me the difficulties of financing a forum like CafeHusky and how my participation could offend those actually sponsoring the site. So I get it. I really have no problem sponsoring any site, however there are currently some 20 sites with SmartCarb threads, and didn't really feel it would be fair to buy into one and not the others. I certainly realize the value of these forums and am grateful to Girard for starting the ball rolling. The only thing that bothered me was that I spent quite a bit of time answering some questions and Dean wouldn't post them. Really didn't hurt me other than the wasted time, but those with legitimate questions didn't get an answer or had to go to another forum for an answer.

Corey,I have a Gasgas 300 quad.Ported,polished with a pod filter set-up,no airbox.I mostly ride the sand at mid to top rpms.What size smartcarb would you recommend?Thanks in advance.
Corey,I have a Gasgas 300 quad.Ported,polished with a pod filter set-up,no airbox.I mostly ride the sand at mid to top rpms.What size smartcarb would you recommend?Thanks in advance.

A 40/38mm blended taperbore or even a straight 40mm SC would work likely well for your application. The straight 40mm is a $100.00 cheaper although.
I don't want to get everyone going and I don't really care either way but from my stand point I've NEVER seen an employee of a company answer and field the questions that WE not him want answers to. It would be a lot different if he said "hey guys here's the price and were to buy please pick one up" but that's not how it started, we asked he simply answered.if selling his product is a by product of that then so be it. I personally feel that the husky forum is the one being the jack ass here. Keep up the great work Corey you really understand how to gain interest in something new which is by participating in OPEN forums like these!!!

I stand corrected from my engineering/design team this morning that the dates slated for delivery on our website are March 31st delivery date for all billets and May 1st for cast carburetors. Rather under promise and over deliver than disappoint anyone. I am definitely trying to up those dates, sorry for any confusion.
Has anyone got any video footage of a bike thats rocking the Smartcarb yet? Would love to see/hear some helmet cam action! Always do when its a 2T singin :D
Thanks Corey. Do you have any plans to do one up with a bike doing some trail/woods work? I liked the trials one. Mostly the bottom and mid range that I'm trying to get an ear on. That and part throttle.
Thanks Corey. Do you have any plans to do one up with a bike doing some trail/woods work? I liked the trials one. Mostly the bottom and mid range that I'm trying to get an ear on. That and part throttle.

We do Jakobi, enduro, woods and some trials. Also I understand some other guys at CafeHusky and KTMTalk are getting ready to release some videos and dyno charts. We'll see I guess.
Rental program?


Have you considered a "rental" program where potential buyers could rent the SmartCarb for a 1-2 week period to test. This would be a great selling tool in my opinion because it let's a skeptical buyer convince they need it, they turn around and spread more free advertisement, and more come knocking on your door to try it out. The rental program could be done on a waiting list like you are doing for purchasing the die-cast version. The buyer/renter would pay shipping both ways and whatever amount you deem appropriate for the 1-2 week trial period. It could also be set up as a pay-forward where after getting done with it, the one user then ships it to the next person in line (and sends you a confirmation mail for tracking). Only a few carbs would be needed for demos, then you could sell those in the end if desired at a used price.
Can it be clarified,preorders will charge you credit card in full for the carb and shipping at time of preorder?(as opposed to a deposit or charged when shipped)

Have you considered a "rental" program where potential buyers could rent the SmartCarb for a 1-2 week period to test. This would be a great selling tool in my opinion because it let's a skeptical buyer convince they need it, they turn around and spread more free advertisement, and more come knocking on your door to try it out. The rental program could be done on a waiting list like you are doing for purchasing the die-cast version. The buyer/renter would pay shipping both ways and whatever amount you deem appropriate for the 1-2 week trial period. It could also be set up as a pay-forward where after getting done with it, the one user then ships it to the next person in line (and sends you a confirmation mail for tracking). Only a few carbs would be needed for demos, then you could sell those in the end if desired at a used price.

Phew! I'm an honest guy & this makes even me cringe. I think you'd spend more time trying to chase up guys that hadn't had time to try it out this weekend as the dog was sick & the ashtray in Aunt Mavis's pickup was full so you couldn't get out, but don't worry there's a big ride the week after next, closest area to me & I'll try it for sure. Just have to get the bike back from my Brother Steves & the tank bolt had sheared off, but I'll fix that the night before, well wouldn't you know about it? I ran out of gas & then lost the next guy's mailing address, but I sent it this morning on Ted's courier service, tracking number: 4.
Phew! I'm an honest guy & this makes even me cringe. I think you'd spend more time trying to chase up guys that hadn't had time to try it out this weekend as the dog was sick & the ashtray in Aunt Mavis's pickup was full so you couldn't get out, but don't worry there's a big ride the week after next, closest area to me & I'll try it for sure. Just have to get the bike back from my Brother Steves & the tank bolt had sheared off, but I'll fix that the night before, well wouldn't you know about it? I ran out of gas & then lost the next guy's mailing address, but I sent it this morning on Ted's courier service, tracking number: 4.
Sooo true!:D
You guys have to look at the big picture from APTs point of view. These initial carb sales are small potatoes. OEM contracts are what will make this a real success for them.
You guys have to look at the big picture from APTs point of view. These initial carb sales are small potatoes. OEM contracts are what will make this a real success for them.

FYI, posted in response to questions about overflow valves on KTMTalk:

Trying to get back to find a quote on these forums is getting almost impossible. Just spent a half hour trying to find a quote from a gentleman who stated that as a course worker he noticed on a steep downhill section just how much raw fuel was coming out of the overflows on the Keihins and being spilled on the ground. It was shocking. Oh well it's here somewhere. Anyway my point is that it is a great advantage to not vent anything to atmosphere if possible and why pursuing an acceptable solution to the SC unique problem is worth it. Many of you are correct with your assumption that it is a difficult task and hopefully it won't add more problems than it corrects.

The SC current float bowl volume (set at the correct height) equals roughly 57 ML. In a complete tipover the floats are shut and the only fuel that can drain into the engine is the float bowl volume. 57 ML is definitely enough to cause some hard starting issues, but not likely to leave you stranded and not enough to hydraulic the cylinder and possibly bend the rod if kicking hard. So we are not too concerned about this, even though it is an issue. Closing off the vent lines roughly only 9 ML per minute can run through the nozzle past the closed slide and into the engine, giving you quite a bit of time to pick yourself up of the ground and retrieve your steed. We have a large needle and seat in the SC with a fast fill rate so it is possible to run the float bowl level lower than one would think. In fact the reason some people have a more severe flooding issue on tip overs is probably because after shipping their float level is a little too high. The metering rod also likes a lower fuel level which allows more time for fuel decomposition as it climbs the rod and promotes better atomization. The trick is to make sure you don't run out under a hard pull and squeak the piston. 2/3 or slightly less volume with the bowl removed is correct, I actually run mine a little less and have great results but do not recommend for the reasons described above unless you are pretty privy to what you are doing.

Mike Rosso and I had this discussion late last night. The flooding issue, should the needle seat stick, could be solved easily by a vacuum operated fuel valve. Could be we design one with a dual setting for constant flow (no vaccum to open) and a setting for vacuum operation. Would be an operator choice depending on conditions and anticipated tip overs etc. (who anticipates a tip over right? I DO.) Little vacuum in a two stroke at idle so position of the vacuum line is critical. Right now we are tapping into the carb body behind the slide.

Motion-Pro is not being too helpful with the cable prices. $30.00 in volume, WTH?? Our finance team wanted me to charge $425.00 for the cast carbs coming out of the box. I insisted on $375.00 in case we cannot get the cable cheap enough. Could make it an extra cost option, but prefer not to. Really though the new design works well with stock cables and if you have seen the dimension drawings I posted yesterday you will see that the cable guide is much lower in the body and allows a lot more flexibility in adjustment. Still trying to include the cable in the kit, but going to have to get the price lower than what M-P is currently at. Corey