Greetings. Currently the billet SC dimensions for the 36-40mm top pull SmartCarbs are; 3.75" (95.25mm) venturi end to end and 7.025" (178.4mm) top to bottom, same width as a Keihin or Mikuni.
There are several features of the SC that are critical to it's performance. The area under the slide is necessary for signal stability to the metering rod and fuel lift. The SC venturi features are operative both top to bottom and end to end; signal strength for the former, laminar flow and signal projection from the latter. As such, form decidedly follows function in this case and until further research can be attained we have little wiggle room to alter dimensions, especially venturi end to end.
So....we are trying to shorten the flange sections a little on the cast carbs (these are yet fully proven as we are just receiving our first samples) by a half an inch, which will put them within a quarter inch of a PWK striker. The other dimensions will remain the same as the billets (same as keihin and mikuni's more or less). If they perform as good or better then that's likely where we will wind up. They will also be a pound or more lighter. Realistically though we are finding little resistance from oem's on dimensions, they are only interested in performance and emissions. Possibly new bikes may be more accepting of the SC's added length.![]()
If there is someone on here who also posts on the Cafe Husky forum, could you please post this response to a similar question on the husky site. Glenn will no longer allow me to post without buying a sponsorship......