APT SmartCarb

Greetings. Currently the billet SC dimensions for the 36-40mm top pull SmartCarbs are; 3.75" (95.25mm) venturi end to end and 7.025" (178.4mm) top to bottom, same width as a Keihin or Mikuni.

There are several features of the SC that are critical to it's performance. The area under the slide is necessary for signal stability to the metering rod and fuel lift. The SC venturi features are operative both top to bottom and end to end; signal strength for the former, laminar flow and signal projection from the latter. As such, form decidedly follows function in this case and until further research can be attained we have little wiggle room to alter dimensions, especially venturi end to end.

So....we are trying to shorten the flange sections a little on the cast carbs (these are yet fully proven as we are just receiving our first samples) by a half an inch, which will put them within a quarter inch of a PWK striker. The other dimensions will remain the same as the billets (same as keihin and mikuni's more or less). If they perform as good or better then that's likely where we will wind up. They will also be a pound or more lighter. Realistically though we are finding little resistance from oem's on dimensions, they are only interested in performance and emissions. Possibly new bikes may be more accepting of the SC's added length. :D

If there is someone on here who also posts on the Cafe Husky forum, could you please post this response to a similar question on the husky site. Glenn will no longer allow me to post without buying a sponsorship...... :(
Posted it on CafeHusky. You should sell a boatload to replace those cranky Husky Mikuni carbs.

Quote from TROFFER88 at the husky site:

"Apt a asking people to post results on Cafe Husky over on the Gasgas forum so he can avoid paying a sponsor fee is complete BULLSHIT. Hey Corey if you have no problem asking $775 -$875 for a dirt bike carb then you should have no problem paying for advertising like everyone else"

TROFFER 88, I hope you can read this as I can no longer post at Cafe Husky without paying. I'm not the one who started these forums. I stated very clearly early on in both KTMtalk and GasGas forum that we had no desire to use their forums for commercial purposes and if it was a problem please let me know. I entered the Husky site to answer questions of my own volition (believe me I have plenty of other things to do) and they allowed me to post for some time, until everyone started asking pricing and availability questions, just like on the other sites. $75.00 a month to answer a few questions seems a little excessive, especially considering the same banter is occurring on other sites, where no one is pressuring us to pay to post. And I spent a good deal of time providing detailed answers only to find that they were not posted.

Another thing I would think that 9000+ views on anyone's forum would do a great deal for their advertising, perhaps I'm wrong. Over 31,000 views on this forum and 40,000+ on KTM talk. Don't hear them complaining. Sorry to john01 and my other friends on Cafe Husky, I've tried to answer your questions. Corey
I don't know Corey $75.00 a month seems cheap in the whole scheme of things. Just saying seems like a chickenshit move
I don't want to get everyone going and I don't really care either way but from my stand point I've NEVER seen an employee of a company answer and field the questions that WE not him want answers to. It would be a lot different if he said "hey guys here's the price and were to buy please pick one up" but that's not how it started, we asked he simply answered.if selling his product is a by product of that then so be it. I personally feel that the husky forum is the one being the jack ass here. Keep up the great work Corey you really understand how to gain interest in something new which is by participating in OPEN forums like these!!!
This is from my KTM 300, but thought I'd post it up for those interested anyway.
I am looking for maximum low/mid power, since 99% of the time I ride in places I can't use all the top end power anyway.
My 300 has an SXS head, modded to reduce squish distance. Gnarly pipe.
I chose the 36 for max bottom end.

Finally had a chance to get my 2009 KTM 300 with a 36mm SmartCarb on it out in the woods.

Starting, had to use the choke when cold (39f, 300ft elevation, probably 99% humidity)
Ran crappy when cold (no news there, it always does) but seemed to warm up quicker.

Ran perfectly on the road up to the riding area (my 300 is plated).
The start in the dirt is a very steep, rutted, very slick hill with turns and rocks/roots/limbs in the rut. Lots of fresh big leaf maple leaves and it was raining by now.
I adjusted the mixture a couple of times, seeing what difference it made.
I like the way it runs for that sort of thing just a bit on the rich side. Not as 'zingy' with better torque and much better traction (well, that's what it seems to me anyway).
The slightly leaner setting had quicker throttle response, but for this sort of thing I don't like that- I run trials tyres and they have fantastic traction, but work a lot better if you don't spin them up too much.
So, I could quickly adjust it for optimal response.
I did find it a little difficult to tell when I had it 'in the slot' and found getting off the bike and removing gloves was better. Someone else (or me with more practice) may not have this issue.
Well...if you can call complaining that I have to actually get off the bike and take a glove off an issue!
It is so much easier and faster to change how it runs it is no comparison.

So with the potential goofs on if I had the slot engaged, I sort of lost track of where I was from factory setting. I guess no big deal as long as it runs right.

Anyway, a combination of adjusting the needle and switching the ignition 'full power and low power' was excellent and could complete change the character of the bike!
For the slick, slimy, technical hills and tight stuff I like a 'calmer' throttle and lower power.
For more open places that I am going faster, I like full power to loft the front end easier (generally only a few inches) even when in a gear or two high.

I think the carb has better response, better over rev, much, much easier adjusting and also worked quite well for the few thousand feet elevaton change I made (probably wouldn't have made that much difference on a stock carb, but perhaps more even throughout)

I haven't measured fuel used, but looking at the tank I think it was about a gallon for 40 miles, some 10 miles of road the rest single and two track- maybe 25mph speed.
I'll try and get a measurement of fuel used.
I never really paid all that much attention to the amount of fuel used before, so can't help out on that too much- wish I could.

I'm not sure it smoked any less, perhaps.
BUT since I tend to run very low RPM and a bit rich settings, I've had many, many hours of spooge in the exhaust. So I'd really need to clean it out to tell. I'm sure there is a lot from before still in the system.

All that said, I'm quite impressed with the carb. I had the settings very good before, but it runs better everywhere and much much easier to fine tune. I'm hoping less adjustments will need to be made for elevation and temperature, but only time will tell on that.

Highly recommended!

(Thinking of a pair for my Aprilia RS250 roadracer- but it would have to be cast)

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Well said, Nambo.
In fact, it was Glenn who started it all with a simple and honest product review here. The other Forums were playing catchup.
I appreciate Corey's efforts to answer the same questions over and over here and elsewhere. As well as his and Steve's fielding of phone calls.
I don't want to get everyone going and I don't really care either way but from my stand point I've NEVER seen an employee of a company answer and field the questions that WE not him want answers to. It would be a lot different if he said "hey guys here's the price and were to buy please pick one up" but that's not how it started, we asked he simply answered.if selling his product is a by product of that then so be it. I personally feel that the husky forum is the one being the jack ass here. Keep up the great work Corey you really understand how to gain interest in something new which is by participating in OPEN forums like these!!!

I agree. Honestly, too, I probably wouldn't have reposted his comment if it hadn't answered a question that had just been asked by a Cafe Husky member.

I'm also impressed by Corey's willingness to answer questions in the same fashion that I am impressed with Clay's level of involvement here. Hopefully APT will be successful with this and can sponsor both forums. :)
I don't know Corey $75.00 a month seems cheap in the whole scheme of things. Just saying seems like a chickenshit move

Troffer88, I agree $75.00 a month is not a lot and I have no problem supporting any site. I've always liked Husky's anyway, especially back in the day. I see these forums winding down though and I pay a whole marketing team to market our products, so to me it just didn't seem worth it, maybe it is. However, in light of the fact that, many not all, people are back and forth between forums again it was hard to justify. Maybe I'm wrong. I have done my level best to answer peoples questions on forums (and field a ton of phone calls too) about what is a totally new product to most of them. I'm not on here to piss anybody off, just trying to help people understand.

Really I have a life and a company to run, (Nambo, I own APT, not just an employee) so If I have offended anyone I apologize. :(


Well knowing your the owner of apt and making the time to spend on the forums with detailed answers is very commendable and shows a commitment to your product and to your customers, good work bro!
Corey, I must commend you on your cool and calm composure. Thanks for all the responses to everyones questions on the carb. I learned alot from reading all the responses. I really had no interest in the carb but I really liked keeping up on this topic each day. It was very interesting and informative.
Some day I just might have to try one out. Thanks again!

Girard got the first billet carb and posted the review, I'm on the preorder list for a cast 38mm like you.

I'm not a markering type, but the way I see it, forums like this are a great tool for creating product awareness among enthusiasts. While these initial aftermarket sales are sure welcome, the big nut is an OEM contract. So the real value in this is creating a "must have" component in the mind of the new bike customer. Ohlins suspension comes to mind as an example. Should be a big win for that OEM, APT, and the customer.
I've only heard rumors about the jacka@$'s at Cafehusky. Not so much a rumor anymore.

I appreciate any vendor, owner, or product designer to make time to come on here and answer questions.
Lets take the high road and not demonize the general population of a forum based on the comments of a few guys that we might not agree with concerning this. There are plenty of good guys there just like here, and some are our members as well. Thanks.
I'll second that. I've been on Cafe Husky a long time and enjoy the maturity of the members compared to other sites I have visited (cough sportbike sites cough) and definitely have benefited from member advice and troubleshooting.

Ok, back to talking me into getting a Smart Carb...
Lets take the high road and not demonize the general population of a forum based on the comments of a few guys that we might not agree with concerning this. There are plenty of good guys there just like here, and some are our members as well. Thanks.

You are right, just caught me in a moment. That kinda crap bothers me when someone is doing something generous and there is always someone who wants to take advantage or exploit them.
Ok Phoenix you gotta get the SmartCarb :D! jk I have the 36 I purchased for my 165 Husky out for a fellow CH member to test and when it gets back I'm going to test it on my son's 2011 TM250Mx and report on that. Then I'll ask my friend who I sold my 2010 GG 300 to if he wants me to test it on that. If so I report those results also. I can't wait to see how it acts on a 250/300 but if it does for them what it did for my 165, get yourself in line for one all kidding aside.

Girard got the first billet carb and posted the review, I'm on the preorder list for a cast 38mm like you.

I'm not a markering type, but the way I see it, forums like this are a great tool for creating product awareness among enthusiasts. While these initial aftermarket sales are sure welcome, the big nut is an OEM contract. So the real value in this is creating a "must have" component in the mind of the new bike customer. Ohlins suspension comes to mind as an example. Should be a big win for that OEM, APT, and the customer.

Of course, you are correct: My mistake. My apologies to both you and Girard.
My point was that it was we who went to Smart Carb to buy, not the case of him joining the forum solely to convince us that we needed something he was selling.
I know that the demand for really good products means they generally sell themselves. (Rekluse comes to mind). And I whole-heartedly agree that the especially rare and truly great products or innovations should be on the bike when purchased. I, too, hope that the Smart Carb can be in that latter category. And if there is a period of exclusivity, it will shed a welcome spotlight on Gas Gas specifically, and two strokes in general.

EDIT: My real intent in mentioning the starter of this thread was to address the points made in the recent heated comments as factually as possible.
The virtual lack of such heated rhetoric here makes this Forum unique and especially refreshing. I sincerely hope we can all keep it that way.