APT SmartCarb

Having never been married how exactly did that work?

I mean what did you do, say "Here Honey spend a few hours reading through this thread and I'm sure it will become clear to you too that this SC thing is worth checking out" ?

Or did you explain the possible mechanical innovation of the product in your own words?

Or did you just say, "It allows for better mileage so it will save us money in the long run". Not letting on that it may take 20 years to pay for itself. ;)

Since you have never been married. It usually goes one of two ways. A constant nagging or a lot of sucking up seems to do the trick. Either one will work equally well just as long as the outcome is in your favor. :D

Unless you have a wife like mine who loves the sport and rides also.
I'm happily married and can spend whatever I desire on my sport. No questions asked.
THE CATCH: she gets to spend an equal amount on what ever she wants.

I was on the fence between the billet and cast Smart Carb because for me it was a $1500 vs $700 decision...
I'm happily married and can spend whatever I desire on my sport. No questions asked.
THE CATCH: she gets to spend an equal amount on what ever she wants.

I was on the fence between the billet and cast Smart Carb because for me it was a $1500 vs $700 decision...

This is how we work as well.All good but does get expensive when one of us wants something...:eek:
i have been adding stuff to my 05 200 gas gas n am interested in this smart carb but do not want to read the whole thread ! So what do I do to pre order one of these and what size and cost ? Thanks
Having never been married how exactly did that work?

I mean what did you do, say "Here Honey spend a few hours reading through this thread and I'm sure it will become clear to you too that this SC thing is worth checking out" ?

Or did you explain the possible mechanical innovation of the product in your own words?

Or did you just say, "It allows for better mileage so it will save us money in the long run". Not letting on that it may take 20 years to pay for itself. ;)

Mostly I just whined about how much I hate jetting till she got sick of hearing about it. :p

It probably helped that we spent last weekend at my parents timeshare and she was able to get a full body massage and soak in the hot tub while I watched our baby.
i have been adding stuff to my 05 200 gas gas n am interested in this smart carb but do not want to read the whole thread ! So what do I do to pre order one of these and what size and cost ? Thanks

Just go onto their site http://www.powerapt.com/ then pre order the 38mm due on May 01 which would work fine for your bike or wait till summer and get a 36mm which the pre order isn't available yet.The cost for the cast version is $375.
i have been adding stuff to my 05 200 gas gas n am interested in this smart carb but do not want to read the whole thread ! So what do I do to pre order one of these and what size and cost ? Thanks

for your 200 i'd rather go the 36mm way,unless you wanna thrash it around
on the track, maybe then i'd go for the 38mm.
depends on what you use it for track vs woods and price-wise it's up to you of what you want to spend and how long you can wait to get your new toy :D

good luck and please report if you (or anyone else) puts one on a 200 :)

ciao, Hannes.
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I took a couple days to read this whole thread.(I've been away from here for a while):eek:

Just a quick thanks to Corey. I'll be ordering a cast 38 for my 2001 xc300.

not that one :rolleyes:
oj here's a question for the billet testers out there.

How do these carb perform on killer uphills? We've read that float height is important but once set no drama (heck same for PWK). But soooper steep uphills pose no problems?

Just asking,. . . I was talking myself into & out of during the last few rides. Also have to check what freight to New Zealand is, as that can hurt.
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I've only taken mine up some small but steep hills and lots of MX jumps :D. The SC handled them without a hitch; smooth strong power all the way.
How do these handle the steep down hills? Will they start to load up like most carbs on a steep down hill?
Rosco mine hasn't but the hills I ride although steep are less than a football field in legnth. The SC feels like the bike is running smoother than a couple of FI 450's I've been on. They both had a few wierd spots and would flame out under hard braking. My SC feels electric smooth.
Brilliant Idea

Good point. With all the redundant posts, should I go in and remove some of the posts?

I just skimmed through the posts. I recommend that you sticky all of Corey's posts together and eliminate the rest. He quoted the posts that he commented on, so the issues he addresses are easy to follow.
How do these handle the steep down hills? Will they start to load up like most carbs on a steep down hill?
Actually there's an area where they should be better as a normal (Japanese) carb has the pilot section at the front. When mounting a conventional carb on a roadrace bike & trying to get the intake smooth one is tempted to angle the carb which is ok up to a point, but they flood so you have to adjust float height, but then they can also bleed through the pilot jet cct.

I think Wob had said the SC can take quite an angle as result of not having one.
Pre-ordered a 38.

I guess I'll have it in time for my Southwick fun-fest/race on Memorial Day weekend.
Probably not in time for my trip to Durhamtown Plantation in March, though.

Actually there's an area where they should be better as a normal (Japanese) carb has the pilot section at the front. When mounting a conventional carb on a roadrace bike & trying to get the intake smooth one is tempted to angle the carb which is ok up to a point, but they flood so you have to adjust float height, but then they can also bleed through the pilot jet cct.

I think Wob had said the SC can take quite an angle as result of not having one.

That is correct, Wobbly is a big proponent of dead straight intakes and the elimination of the pilot circuit allows him to run the SmartCarbs straight with the axis of the reeds. Corey