APT SmartCarb

I agree with the SC throttle control and power is so much smoother I'm not sure you will need to dull things down. It really is electric smooth on my WB165 Husky. It's a set and forget system IMO.
One thing that Corey hasn't spoken much about are the alternate needles. I recall reading that there are more options than the "standard" one. Don't know how they will affect the power delivery.
One thing that Corey hasn't spoken much about are the alternate needles. I recall reading that there are more options than the "standard" one. Don't know how they will affect the power delivery.

Its a tricky topic. Ideal AF ratio is ideal AF ratio. Lean and rich conditions can be utilized to change curves and characteristics as seen in EFI tuning, along with timing. I'd like to think that if we have a carb that provides optimal fuel across the throttle range, then we can start to do more with the engine - port timing, port sizes, powervalve configurations, flywheel weights etc, timing, to set the power delivery to suit our needs. Thats just a thought though, and if anything I will miss my hard hitting needle configuration once my smartcarb arrives. I just hope it adds more everywhere enough to maintain the fun factor!
Yes, I undersand all of this, I know its not like a traditional tapered needle. I was just wondering if its possibly another tool to use, thats all. I have a light flywheel so my bike revs a lot quicker than most.

The different metering rods are almost certainly to deal with carb signals that are outside the normal range of the correction ckts., like if you bolted one on your CR500 ice race bike I would imagine. Likely the same profile, just overall richer or leaner to bring the calibration back in range. The concept of multitapers and intentionally richening/leaning a specific area is one that you have to abandon when thinking about this carb.
OK. I did my fuel mileage test yesterday.

Filled the bike up before I left the house. Filled up my 2 1/2 gallon fuel can on the way to the trails. I haven't touched the fuel can until tonight.

Rode a total of 37 miles . Trail conditions were EPIC. Perfect traction.
Average speed for the 37 miles was 21-22mph. I rode as fast as I could safely go. It was race pace all day. Pretty much duking it out with my riding buddies for bragging rights.:D

Took the 2 1/2 gallon fuel can and topped off the bike. Had exactly 1 gallon left in the fuel can.
I had to double check several times as I could not believe I went 37 miles on 1 1/2 gallons!
When I first got my bike, I ran out of fuel on said loop.
That was before I messed with the jetting on the OEM carb.
OK. I did my fuel mileage test yesterday.

Filled the bike up before I left the house. Filled up my 2 1/2 gallon fuel can on the way to the trails. I haven't touched the fuel can until tonight.

Rode a total of 37 miles . Trail conditions were EPIC. Perfect traction.
Average speed for the 37 miles was 21-22mph. I rode as fast as I could safely go. It was race pace all day. Pretty much duking it out with my riding buddies for bragging rights.:D

Took the 2 1/2 gallon fuel can and topped off the bike. Had exactly 1 gallon left in the fuel can.
I had to double check several times as I could not believe I went 37 miles on 1 1/2 gallons!

And for those on the metric system

5.7L to do 60kms, or 10.5Kms/L

At race pace this isn't bad at all. I usually get around 10.6-11.4Kms/L depending on how hard I ride and conditions. Thats with a modified head and what I would consider to be near perfect jetting specs.

gasgasman. Any other modifications to your engine at all?
I can do about 35 mi at race speed on 2 gallons now. I never have to pit for fuel, and the last few races didn't even fill completely to save a little weight. I'm switching to the smaller '13 tank so this will more than make up for it.
Cast smart carb

Has anyone received their per-ordered cast carb yet? Any time frame other than before may 2013? Any testing yet.
No casts out there yet. I have a pre-order in for a billet 38 (which are due out first) and none of them are shipping yet. I read (Orange Forum?) that the testing of the check valves is going well and the timeline is on track.
No casts out there yet. I have a pre-order in for a billet 38 (which are due out first) and none of them are shipping yet. I read (Orange Forum?) that the testing of the check valves is going well and the timeline is on track.

Post #584 on page 59.

You know I always post the good stuff here first andoman. :)
I finally got the green light from the boss (wife) to place my pre-order for a 38mm Cast Smart Carb! :D

...Now I join those who've already begun to wait...C'mon May! :cool:

Are the cast carbs going to be shipped out in one big lot, or on a first ordered/first shipped basis?

Are the cast carbs going to be shipped out in one big lot, or on a first ordered/first shipped basis?

Some assembly required when we receive the parts, QC checks etc. So we will release first ordered first out as they are built.
I finally got the green light from the boss (wife) to place my pre-order for a 38mm Cast Smart Carb! :D

Having never been married how exactly did that work?

I mean what did you do, say "Here Honey spend a few hours reading through this thread and I'm sure it will become clear to you too that this SC thing is worth checking out" ?

Or did you explain the possible mechanical innovation of the product in your own words?

Or did you just say, "It allows for better mileage so it will save us money in the long run". Not letting on that it may take 20 years to pay for itself. ;)