APT SmartCarb

"Newer Thread" MP T3?

When you order they will ask you what cable you plan to use, and include the appropriate parts. Stock GG and longer Motion Pro are the same, the newer thread in T3 Motion Pro is different.

Has the thread changed? I bought a new MP cable the day I pre-ordered my Billet 38mm SC back in DEC. I already told APT which cable I had.
Do I need to call them back and clarify?

They should be shipping out in two days on Monday....
yesterdays ride with the smartcarb was the best yet , nice and smooth and plenty of power when you need it , i did however change a few things since my last time out , new alloy water pump impeller , remove thermostat housing and replace with home made inline cooler , new coolant mixed with water wetter and put some more tungston balls in my rekluse clutch so now it has 10 .
i had a problem with the clutch though , it decided it wanted to be a manual clutch for a change for most of the day , only problem was it was dragging when the lever was pulled all the way in :rolleyes: , the last hour of riding saw it return back to normal:confused: .
i laid the bike on its side to test the new valves and after half a dozen kicks she fired up so all good there .
fuel economy was good too , 62 miles for 7ltrs of fuel , although were were not on the gas a lot , just a nice relaxing pace :)
I raced the National Enduro in Blackwell Texas a couple weeks ago.

On the first test I had a high speed get off on a STEEP up hill.
The bike was literally up side down for a couple minutes while I figured out how to right the bike. I had to bull dog the bike down the hill. Bike would not start due to being flooded.
Lost 10 minutes getting the bike going again. I ended up with 4th in the Masters class.

Got home at 1am Sunday.
Checked the mail box Monday-only to find my check valves in there.:(
I got a nice detailed email on cast carb progress, no mention of delivery date though. Considering content and reading between the lines I'd say it has slipped a little. Perhaps I'm wrong. Whatever the case, quality and performance are still priority for me as we'll as APT.

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I got a nice detailed email on cast carb progress, no mention of delivery date though. Considering content and reading between the lines I'd say it has slipped a little. Perhaps I'm wrong. Whatever the case, quality and performance are still priority for me as we'll as APT.

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Is this part of a mass email you received or a response to a query you made, I'm counting on May 1st, and would like to know if there is a change in the delivery date??

This was a mass email, no specifics. Said drawings for final tooling are being changed at this time. Now, from my experience in engineering, a May 1 delivery seems a bit ambitious at this point.

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I was one of the first preorder customers and I never received any personal emIls, so don't sweat it.
I wasn't one of the first orderd and I would say they emailed me to let me know its later than may 1. Like she said in the email first in first out. I'm not in a panic for mine anyway when it gets here it gets here!
I wasn't one of the first orderd and I would say they emailed me to let me know its later than may 1. Like she said in the email first in first out. I'm not in a panic for mine anyway when it gets here it gets here!

We're trying to follow the first out as ordered. I'm not sure why Liz sent out an email to you, we wanted to communicate to the late late pre purchasers because we received so many last minute orders. I'll find out tomorrow. Things are still looking good so far and the mold tooling investment cast process is fast but no doubt with the current state of trying to manufacture in the US as we are experiencing it it's going to be tight. :)
Has the thread changed? I bought a new MP cable the day I pre-ordered my Billet 38mm SC back in DEC. I already told APT which cable I had.
Do I need to call them back and clarify?

They should be shipping out in two days on Monday....

Got you covered andoman, the threads will fit your MP cable. You should see it any day now.