Well, today I got the first ride on the new 250, stock engine, and the SC with the R080 metering rod. In short, if the SC would have performed like that from the beginning on, it would have been much more a love affair than the love/hate relationship it has been.
The magic word today was consistency! It was consistent in tuning and performance where as delivered it was like a moving target. Started out with 65 clicks, but this was way too lean and I kept going in 2 clicks (richer) each lap. Took me a lot of laps - I'm now around 50 clicks out! Tuning was easy though. Ride - feels lean, whack the throttle - bog, crisp idle/off idle - it's still lean. 2 clicks in, go again. Then suddenly, clear as an Austrian mountain stream, the idle/off idle gets a little "burbly", the bog when whacking the throttle is gone and the bike starts to pull as expected - BINGO. Not even a hint of spooge. Bike ran fine for the rest of the day with no changes.
So what did I learn today:
.) I'm missing the 300

the 250 is ok, but the 300 is it for me! Can't wait to get my 300 kit.
.) If you want to run the SC, you have to live with the slightly burbly idle area. It is what it is.
.) I don't trust it yet - maybe it is the modified heads (optimal squish, bit higher compression) that cause problems with the SC since most people that have problems don't run stock engines. I will cut the stock 250 head to optimize the squish band to see if it makes a difference with the SC. Then the 300 kit will go on in the same configuration I was experiencing troubles with the SC and A100 MR. If it sill runs fine then I'll officially be happy