APT SmartCarb

I have tried to cancel my pre-order by phone and by e-mail.
No response.


Spent last week getting centurytel to perfect the call in system. Perfect is probably a misnomer, but all lines are working I just checked.
Liz will process your cancellation, please call her directly.
I pre-ordered mine on Dec. 7th of last year. Should be an early number. Have talked to Liz and she was going to call me today to let me know if I could expect delivery this week before I head south for the next 2 weeks. No call today so I am assuming that we are again in waiting mode for some future date.

Not much wait, just a better machining process held us up a little here in the eleventh hour, not surprising, to me anyway. Parts are rolling in and carbs being built.
Thanks for the follow up Corey. We'll see what I'm ridng next year and maybe I'll get to try one then. I'm hoping to write it up for Throttler Magazine in the future. Best wishes to the whole crew over there.

2000 Honda xr80r
2001 GasGas xc300
2013 Triumph Thruxton 900
so once the 38s are available and sent to pre order customer and reviews are coming back very good, and then more orders come in how long to re stock and ship?
Lets presume you sell out the first production run you are working on and you need to re stock.

I will place my order once i see the feedback and stock is in house FYI
Not much wait, just a better machining process held us up a little here in the eleventh hour, not surprising, to me anyway. Parts are rolling in and carbs being built.

Thanks Corey. Liz called and left a message yesterday but I was in the middle of winter fungicide application and couldn't answer. I appreciate the call back.
so once the 38s are available and sent to pre order customer and reviews are coming back very good, and then more orders come in how long to re stock and ship?
Lets presume you sell out the first production run you are working on and you need to re stock.

I will place my order once i see the feedback and stock is in house FYI

KTMTalk has seared into my brain the evil of commercial activities on a public forum, so I'll answer briefly and encourage PM's or emails for these types of questions. The goal here has been to prove the casting process, lower the BOM and further the espousal of the SC to the masses. So what you are saying is exactly what we expect from folks.

We believe they will continue to sell as fast as we can build them, however any carb model or size that shows significant sales will go into permanent tool die casting and we can run as many or as few as orders dictate, and keep a small supply on hand. Also we are improving the designs and build processes as we go and will continue for some time, so also look for model changes that facilitate fitment, improve performance and emissions reductions. Corey
Thanks for the follow up Corey. We'll see what I'm ridng next year and maybe I'll get to try one then. I'm hoping to write it up for Throttler Magazine in the future. Best wishes to the whole crew over there.

2000 Honda xr80r
2001 GasGas xc300
2013 Triumph Thruxton 900

Dean, we deeply regret the delay that led you to having to make this terrible, terrible decision. We feel most will be back once we get it all together and have product on hand, and as we continue to strive for outstanding customer service and support and believe that is what will help us persevere and gain momentum.

Thanks for the well wishes. Corey

Are these things being sold or delivered yet? All I see on the site is the pre order deal. I had wanted to eventually try one out.
Hummmmph.... I've been on the pre order list for many months and still no 38 in my mailbox. I'm a patient fella and have no problem with APT taking a little more time to deliver the product after some testing. Now that the testing is done, I really just want to know when I'll receive the carb. Latest e-mail update only states the carbs are ready, not when I can expect to receive my pre-order. There just doesn't seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel. If it turns out that I'm too low on the list of pre-order customers, am I then waiting for another production run? Will this happen after the pre-order runs on all the other sizes? Losing interest....
I canceled mine in May but had to laugh when I recieved a recent email saying I should pre order now so I don't miss out on the first production run??? guys that have been on the list from the beginning haven't gotten there's yet but there saying i can still have one this run???? I think I'll wait until there is a steady flow of carbs coming out of APT before I give them my money again.
I am with you Nambo...just cancelled mine a few weeks ago since I missed this riding season now. I do need to check my card to see if I got my money back.

I really want one, but I am sure I will get one next year after a flow of them is established.
I placed my pre-order on December 8 of last year, and haven't heard anything yet. I emailed Liz on November 12, 2013 to find out a potential shipping date and have not received a response.
I pre ordered my 36mm on Feb 10th of this year so it will be 14 months at that point. However Steve was saying I may want to get the 38mm,which should be out sooner.
I am getting beyond disgusted. I was led to believe that it was shipping finally at the end of October. Hopefully before my 10 day riding trip in Moab. Well that ship has sailed and I doubt I see it before my next trip. The lack of communication is what really makes it the most irritating. I have been patiently waiting since the first week of December last year. I understand production issues. The lack of communication about these issues after being led to believe delivery was imminent is the frustration.
I am getting beyond disgusted. I was led to believe that it was shipping finally at the end of October. Hopefully before my 10 day riding trip in Moab. Well that ship has sailed and I doubt I see it before my next trip. The lack of communication is what really makes it the most irritating. I have been patiently waiting since the first week of December last year. I understand production issues. The lack of communication about these issues after being led to believe delivery was imminent is the frustration.

Alright folks, we understand the communication has broken down over the last several weeks while we are getting everything in, sorted, assembled and ready to go out the door. We of course couldn't get by without some last minute drama. This time it was sick machinist's getting the metering rods and slide spacers done. We are PROMISED everything will be in by Wednesday and final production will commence. We regret the delay as much as anybody and know that some of you have finally timed out and we get it. We are reviewing the possibility of changing the mold tool to make the bodies 36mm as cast and then machine the venturi's for the 38 and 40mm sizes of this same body family. IF that is not cost prohibitive at this time then there is a very good chance of having cast carbs in all three sizes; 36,38 and 40mm shortly after the first of the year. All fears can be put to rest about not having enough inventory to go around or being pushed into making a pre order now. Marketing and R&D production don't necessarily meet in the middle all the time. My morning has been filled with pulling the marketing team together and insisting strongly that our communications with customers be consistent, completely truthful and accurate about production numbers and dates for shipping and delivery. We will make another formal announcement today as a result now that we have clarification from vendors on FB and our other media sources. We continue to have updates that do not go through and are now using a cloud based uploader to keep updates from going into your spam folders or arbitrarily dropped at a certain number of sends. If you have not received updates or have been hit and miss please call me directly and I will update your file information so we can avoid missing anyone.
I was just told the 36 cast units will be avail. march 31st.

That would be the Rev C "shorty" to become available March. We are currently evaluating changing tooling to accommodate all three sizes of this body family. IF doable and not cost prohibitive it is likely we will have 36, additional 38 and 40mm cast carbs becoming available shortly after the first of the year. Really we are trying to get as many carbs in as many sizes as we can out the door before the end of the year.