APT SmartCarb

Yeah me too Trev! I have all 3 here at the moment.. Lectron and Smart Carb have been sitting next to eachother for a few weeks or more now.. PWK is taking all the glory.
Not so much "didn't like" just didn't get the benefit in terms of power, fuel economy I was expecting which I think was a lot of me expecting something out of this world different which it wasn't. I found like you jake that I always seemed to be just on the cusp of getting it perfect mostly mid throttle and then I'd lose it almost as though I needed a finer adjustment. I couldn't (after extensive adjustment) get it quite to wear I had my stock carb and missed the feeling of my old jetting so I simply went back. A lot of times I think people want to see things that may not be there because they've been anticipating a pre conceived out come or simply they've spent a lot of money on the product. With me I just try and look at it as "is this a significant improvement to what I had?" I had the same outcome with the rekluse exp I can see how some people would love it but to me it didn't improve my riding and made me a bit sloppy in some areas. If the smart carb gets rave reviews and I can get some good comparisons I'll give it a go but until then it's my good old stock carb!
It seems to me like there is two different groups showing interest in aftermarket carbs and each have different expectations. First group is the "tuners" like Trevor and Jabobi who like to tinker with their carb and are very good at it. Their expectation seems to be a carb that can be tuned to work 100% (idle to full throttle) for any condition. The other group is "non-tuners" like me who don't like tuning carbs and are very bad at it. Our interests lie in finding a carb that doesn't have to be tuned or fiddled with because of a change in weather, temps, or altitude. I would be very happy with a carb set-up that produces slightly less but sufficient power without tuning for changes of altitude less than 4000 foot or changes in temp less than 40 degrees.
I'll admit I like to play around with stuff but I don't think any one likes jetting more than jake lol. I love trying new things though to see if they add any value, the twisted bars for example I bought because I liked your post gasser. If they work that's great if not(like the lectron and rekluse for me) someone on the forum will get a great deal on them!
I don't love it half as much as you all think I do. I honestly hate the whole process of pulling everything apart to just make a change, to then know I might have to pull it apart again. Its interesting evaluating the changes, but the playing can be pretty frustrating indeed. I guess we're fortunate that the Gassers (especially pre 2012) have such easy access to the needle and jets.

I think you summed it up pretty nicely Trev.
It seems to me like there is two different groups showing interest in aftermarket carbs and each have different expectations. First group is the "tuners" like Trevor and Jabobi who like to tinker with their carb and are very good at it. Their expectation seems to be a carb that can be tuned to work 100% (idle to full throttle) for any condition. The other group is "non-tuners" like me who don't like tuning carbs and are very bad at it. Our interests lie in finding a carb that doesn't have to be tuned or fiddled with because of a change in weather, temps, or altitude. I would be very happy with a carb set-up that produces slightly less but sufficient power without tuning for changes of altitude less than 4000 foot or changes in temp less than 40 degrees.

That is a 100 percent me!!!
This is a bit frustrating. No updates.

I'm hoping it is strictly because Corey and group are working so hard at getting these carbs shipped out that even 15 minutes to give an update, on the boards, on FB, on their website, anywhere at all is just not possible.

Okay, I just called APT, they did durability testing these last couple of days and they said the product is perfect. They are still waiting on a few internal parts to arrive and then to begin assembly of 8-10 units per day probably next week. Based on the timelines I overheard (some small internal parts ship today, and arrive early next week. And if those parts are correct then many more will get ordered), it's probably going to be weeks and weeks before all preorders get filled. Fortunately I signed up for the prebuy the moment it came up so I should have mine sooner rather than later.

They are sending out an update sometime today.
This is a bit frustrating. No updates.

I'm hoping it is strictly because Corey and group are working so hard at getting these carbs shipped out that even 15 minutes to give an update, on the boards, on FB, on their website, anywhere at all is just not possible.

Okay, I just called APT, they did durability testing these last couple of days and they said the product is perfect. They are still waiting on a few internal parts to arrive and then to begin assembly of 8-10 units per day probably next week. Based on the timelines I overheard (some small internal parts ship today, and arrive early next week. And if those parts are correct then many more will get ordered), it's probably going to be weeks and weeks before all preorders get filled. Fortunately I signed up for the prebuy the moment it came up so I should have mine sooner rather than later.

They are sending out an update sometime today.

We try to do our best to get the updates out, the email was prepared and sent yesterday afternoon. Thanks Suns for giving us the nod, I wondered why no calls were coming in, so I'm guessing no one received it. Going up the ladder to head of marketing and having him send it again in a few minutes.
We try to do our best to get the updates out, the email was prepared and sent yesterday afternoon. Thanks Suns for giving us the nod, I wondered why no calls were coming in, so I'm guessing no one received it. Going up the ladder to head of marketing and having him send it again in a few minutes.

Corey, I received email but no content. May need to resend. Marco
Looks like a nice product. Personally, i don't like fiddling and messing with jetting, so i like the concept behind these. I plan on getting a 36mm when they are released.
I pre-ordered mine on Dec. 7th of last year. Should be an early number. Have talked to Liz and she was going to call me today to let me know if I could expect delivery this week before I head south for the next 2 weeks. No call today so I am assuming that we are again in waiting mode for some future date.
With much regret I cancelled my pre-order.

I would not get to try it this year now anyway. I really was looking forward to it too. Maybe next year.

I am really interested in the 4 stroke FCR's as well, hopefully you guys can get your die casters and other things all worked out by next year and I am sure I will buy a few if you can get them working good.
I got the video link from Liz but another blank email.

I replied to the last email sent out but have gotten no response.

I'm being told today that the video file was too large and as embedded in the email blast was too large. This was causing a lot of the emails to go into SPAM folders. I don't know what the remaining issues are. I looked at the open reports and show 87% of the people it was sent to opened the email. Now have IT working on why it wouldn't show the text on some. We have more updates as they come and info and technical bulletins etc to go out over time so please let us know if something is not getting to you and apologies if you have had issues. Corey