APT SmartCarb

(816) 767-8783 ask for Liz (liz.harvey@motovox.com)

(307) 460-0524 Liz cell, this would be the best number, probably will handle it today.

(816) 225-3996 Chad (chadg@powerapt.com)

(307)761-1251 Corey (coreyd@powerapt.com)

All 38mm pre-order carbs will be in house Oct. 8th and will start going out to pre-purchasers.

Good news! Glad i bought an extra set of rims and have tires and ice studs coming.

Here's the updated status of the 38 mm investment cast carbs. We will announce the 36mm cast update Monday afternoon after we hear from the die casters Monday morning:

To Our Pre-Order Customers,

This is an update for our SmartCarb pre-order customers on the
progress of cast 38mm SmartCarb durability testing and production

American Performance Technologies is pleased to announce that the
in-house comprehensive durability testing phase is complete. External
durability testing by riders in the field will remain ongoing as we
continually look for ways to improve and refine our technology.

Minor wear and durability related issues have been addressed and
appropriate changes have been made to final casting and machining of
38mm cast SmartCarbs. Float bowl baffling has been markedly improved
to reduce chances of fuel cavitation/bogging and new floats will
minimize flooding issues and reduce part count and complexity. By
taking the time necessary to complete comprehensive durability
testing, we feel that we have satisfied our obligations to ensure
that our product meets and exceeds the high quality expectations of
our customers.

Today our supplier has announced that we will not be receiving
production castings on October 8 as promised. Our supplier has
assured us that SmartCarb castings will begin arriving, fully
machined and ready for assembly, starting October 22. APT will then
begin shipping them out to pre-order customers as we build them on a
first-ordered, first-received basis.

As always, American Performance Technologies appreciates your
patience and support.

After APT receives this first run of 38mm cast carbs, we will quickly
move into casting other sizes. Unfortunately, this means that there
will be a considerable amount of time before we produce another run
of SmartCarbs in the 38mm size. After current pre-order quantities
are satisfied, we estimate that there will only be 100 cast 38s in
this first run that will go into on-the-shelf inventory. APT expects
that shelf stock of 38mm carbs to be depleted quickly due to high
demand. If you want to get your hands on one of these remaining 38mm
cast SmartCarbs, we encourage any who are interested to go to our
website, www.powerapt.com, and pre-order.

We will keep you up-to-date and a notification will be sent to your
email once your SmartCarb has been shipped. If you have any
questions or concerns, please give us a call at 1-877-372-3465. Or call Corey directly at 307-761-1251.
Are any of the refinements and improvements able to cross back over with the billet models Corey? I'm very interested in the antislosh baffle and also the updated float design. What ever ended up happening with the Grose jets?
Are any of the refinements and improvements able to cross back over with the billet models Corey? I'm very interested in the antislosh baffle and also the updated float design. What ever ended up happening with the Grose jets?

Jake, yes we have been improving the billets as we go and have spent quite a bit of time at the track lately testing baffles new floats, larger conventional needle and seats and Grose jets in the cast and billets. My personal cast carb is equipped with the Grose jet and new floats, after putting quite a bit of time on it I'm still getting great results. The baffles, new floats will be available for billets when fully sorted in the next several weeks. The Grose jet we understand may have possibly had new patents filed for it out of the UK, so some uncertainty about its use at this point.
I find this carb interesting but I'm getting lost with all the information in this thread. Maybee an idea to add a thread to the product announcement section where we can see an explanation of differences between the billet / cast version and where you can add the sections of which new improvements have been added and will ship from which date.
Corey, with the snow already accumulating in the mountains, is there any options for carb heater? Is it needed, I typically don't ride below -15 c / 5 f and run a little bit of Isopropyl.

Did Corey break up with us?

Laying low on forums for awhile after all the hoolabaloo on KTMTalk and want to encourage everyone to abide by forum rules; keeping questions tuning related or generic issues, not on their personal orders and/or specific commercial activities.

A KTM carb heater can be used with the SC and works well. Testing snobikes last winter showed that under certain conditions icing can occur in the venturi, even while using a carb blanket. These are usually wet heavy snowfall or overcast days with temps between 20 to 32f. Snowmobiles with carbs under the hood is not a problem.
My SmartCarb is working flawlessly. Started to days ride off at 50F and finished at 70F.

The power is so smooth it inspires confidence.
50F is our evening temperatures in July ;)Im talking actual cold, not South-West United States cold :D

Good to know about the KTM carb heater. Thanks.
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My SmartCarb is working flawlessly. Started to days ride off at 50F and finished at 70F.

The power is so smooth it inspires confidence.

Update: 38 Cast parts coming in today as vendor has promised. Good sign, finally. Assembly will commence immediately and shipping will ensue as they are built and QC checks are complete. Formal emails with a video going out tomorrow and expected delivery dates.
Update: 38 Cast parts coming in today as vendor has promised. Good sign, finally. Assembly will commence immediately and shipping will ensue as they are built and QC checks are complete. Formal emails with a video going out tomorrow and expected delivery dates.
Thank you Corey!

I have been eagerly anticipating this since last November. Can't wait to try it and it should get to me just in time for my trip to Moab! Will report back as soon as I get some rides in.
I can only imagine that Corey and his crew are probably going to be burning the midnight oil to try and get these things out. Let's all hope that the new products pass Corey's rigorous testing so that they can ship as planned.

I'd say a lot of people will be reporting back w/ Smartcarb ride reports the weekend after this weekend. And I hope that I am one of them.

It had been mentioned that they could build and test, I believe it was something like 50 carbs per day? Hell, they could begin shipping as early as this Thursday!
Hey Corey, got the new MR #10. What stock measurement should I drop it in at? I'm pulling the shock to respring it tomorrow.. tossing up giving the smart carb some more engine hours..
I can only imagine that Corey and his crew are probably going to be burning the midnight oil to try and get these things out. Let's all hope that the new products pass Corey's rigorous testing so that they can ship as planned.

I'd say a lot of people will be reporting back w/ Smartcarb ride reports the weekend after this weekend. And I hope that I am one of them.

It had been mentioned that they could build and test, I believe it was something like 50 carbs per day? Hell, they could begin shipping as early as this Thursday!

I have had mine on Pre-order for almost a year now. Probably in the first 10 reserved. I will put mine on immediately and rip it up. I have had the lectron now for almost a year too so it will be an interesting comparison. Can't Wait!
I have had mine on Pre-order for almost a year now. Probably in the first 10 reserved. I will put mine on immediately and rip it up. I have had the lectron now for almost a year too so it will be an interesting comparison. Can't Wait!

I'm interested in your comparison, I too had the lectron but did take my pre order back, still will by one if I here favourable reviews. I like to here from the guys with lectron experience as I have a lot of playing around with the lectron(and 2 much with the Kehin lol).