Does anyone have a picture of the inside of the SC float bowl? I just opened mine up and there is a black mesh like material in the bottom. I am curious if this is supposed to be here or not. I can't imagine what that may do in the float bowl.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
Anyone have any updates on these carbs?
What overall length did you start with on the shorter rod? Would you confirm the rod number as well?
Has anyone had contact w/ Corey recently? Still waiting on my cast unit.
He hasn't responded to e-mail.
well after 1331 reply's to the smart carb question, i know what my answer will be-why bother? when i first started reading this thread, the smart carb was the answer to all the "issues" people were having about jetting the gasser's. it's really not that hard to get a gasser to run well with a khein carb. just my 2 cents worth. i'll be out riding,not jetting with a keyboard if anyone wants to contact me. enjoy the new simple smart carb.
It's easy to be critical of something you have never even seen or experienced.
It's no secret manufacturing issues put a damper on the first run of cast SC's and that slowed things down a bit. What is not understood by most in the dirtbike community is that we are certifying carbs right now for on road use in the US without the need of precious metal catalysts. Unprecedented. The SC is also the only mechanical fuel system that can atomize Diesel and military spec JP fuels and we have several pending contracts for military outboard applications. It would be altogether to easy to just step away from off road dirtbikes and it would probably not even affect our bottom line. This is a passion play folks and we approached the dirt bike community first because we knew this is a product that is very much needed in this world. I've ordered 500 more each of the Cast 36, 38 and 40mms. So just keep tuning on that Keihin, before long the SC equipped bikes will be mopping the floor with anything less. 2 and 4 strokes.
Just installed my cast version last night... Hopefully you'll stick around and be active here so I can reach out to ya in the event I have questions!![]()
It's easy to be critical of something you have never even seen or experienced.
It's no secret manufacturing issues put a damper on the first run of cast SC's and that slowed things down a bit. What is not understood by most in the dirtbike community is that we are certifying carbs right now for on road use in the US without the need of precious metal catalysts. Unprecedented. The SC is also the only mechanical fuel system that can atomize Diesel and military spec JP fuels and we have several pending contracts for military outboard applications. It would be altogether to easy to just step away from off road dirtbikes and it would probably not even affect our bottom line. This is a passion play folks and we approached the dirt bike community first because we knew this is a product that is very much needed in this world. I've ordered 500 more each of the Cast 36, 38 and 40mms. So just keep tuning on that Keihin, before long the SC equipped bikes will be mopping the floor with anything less. 2 and 4 strokes.
It's easy to be critical of something you have never even seen or experienced.
It's no secret manufacturing issues put a damper on the first run of cast SC's and that slowed things down a bit. What is not understood by most in the dirtbike community is that we are certifying carbs right now for on road use in the US without the need of precious metal catalysts. Unprecedented. The SC is also the only mechanical fuel system that can atomize Diesel and military spec JP fuels and we have several pending contracts for military outboard applications. It would be altogether to easy to just step away from off road dirtbikes and it would probably not even affect our bottom line. This is a passion play folks and we approached the dirt bike community first because we knew this is a product that is very much needed in this world. I've ordered 500 more each of the Cast 36, 38 and 40mms. So just keep tuning on that Keihin, before long the SC equipped bikes will be mopping the floor with anything less. 2 and 4 strokes.