APT SmartCarb

Have you talked to APT about a refund? I thought they had a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Perhaps they'll give you a refund on the price diff. between the billet and cast and put you back in line for a cast unit.
I just called the 2 phone numbers I have for APT and no answer. Anyone know anything?
I have a Cast 36 on order and I am concerned now that I just washed $$$ down the drain!!
Have you talked to APT about a refund? I thought they had a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Perhaps they'll give you a refund on the price diff. between the billet and cast and put you back in line for a cast unit.

Corey has offered to buy the carb back off me several times now, and our last pm was along the lines of possibly trying some other solutions. I believe he's been out of the office this week so I haven't heard any further on it.

In terms of performance I can see the potential, and I believe APT can deliver a good product. I was just highlighting the importance in ensuring that they get it correct before they roll it out.
I spent some time discussing Smartcarb with Lexi Pechout, who is and has been running Smartcarb on a GG300 for a few races this season. She has absolutely no complaints and raves about the performance increase. Im not asking for my money back just yet. Lexi is a top 5 A Class Hare Scramble racer as well as Endurocross racer recently competing in the X Games in LA. Very very fast young lady.
I'll continue to patiently wait. As a matter of fact, I changed my pre-order to a rev C 38mm. I've got a decent baseline on my PWK that works well enough with minor tweaking. I also have one brother with a Lectron and another who'll be getting a 36mm cast Smartcarb. I think I'll have a pretty good idea of which setup to go with because I tuned the lectron and I'm sure I'll be the one to tune the 36SC. Remember that good things come to those that wait and haste makes waste!
I spent some time discussing Smartcarb with Lexi Pechout, who is and has been running Smartcarb on a GG300 for a few races this season. She has absolutely no complaints and raves about the performance increase. Im not asking for my money back just yet. Lexi is a top 5 A Class Hare Scramble racer as well as Endurocross racer recently competing in the X Games in LA. Very very fast young lady.

Here's an update from last weeks durability testing:

During last week's testing and evaluation the cast 38mm performed very well with observable HP/torque gains and when installed on a YZ 250 produced a very distinct sound. Nice. The latest billets with updated float bowl baffling performed great too with mostly flawless testing. What we are looking for is bogging in sudden g-outs and long jumps. In the case of the SC it can be caused by one of two things. Fuel being sloshed up the nozzle by float displacement or momentary loss of venting caused by a tip over valve. Admittedly this is mostly for the MX guys and a large percentage of riders will simply not put there bike in these conditions where it becomes an issue. However the factories are very keen to this as it has been an ongoing issue for years with float bowl carburetors and we are certainly no exception. It really is a major safety issue, as one can attest if having found yourself in a situation where you need a handful of throttle and it's not there and you wind up on your head, face plant or worse. Liability is what keeps me awake at night and other than the fear of hurting someone or burning down the pits at some national event I sleep pretty well. So you get my point.

The fuel sloshing is easily fixed by a plate baffle with a series of small holes to dampen the oscillations and provide a tranquil area for fuel pickup. The tip over valve of course poses unique problems of its own and the reason this type of circuit hasn't been used before. We debated leaving it out but we had to be substantially better than our competition in altitude/temp correction and fuel economy. We're glad we stuck with it. The internal tip over valves has required us to make several changes to the depth of the valve passageway and the surface finish of the ball seat. Last week's testing was inconclusive because we could not generate enough speed to hit the really large jumps to see if we still had an issue. So I'm sending one or two to run Red Bull Fall Classic this weekend to hopefully finish the test. Other than that your carbs are being built as we speak and all changes have been included thus far. We are just trying to make sure we have no other issues or machining corrections to make before we release any and then have a big problem not easy to correct. Nobody wants this done more than I do so I really appreciate everyone's patience. Corey
Corey, will the baffle update be available for older billets down the line as an upgrade?

Yes. We will also offer a foam baffle for an easier upgrade if bogging due to fuel slosh is found to be an issue. It's generally not an issue for most conditions, mostly MX or endurocross.
Always wondered (but suspected it was for slushing) what the green foam thing was for in the bottom of the bowls on my Lectrons were for...

Always wondered (but suspected it was for slushing) what the green foam thing was for in the bottom of the bowls on my Lectrons were for...

That's what it's for. Lectron suggests replacing the foam piece yearly because they begin to deteriorate over time. Why we prefer a plate baffle and will be included in all current and future builds.
Fuel cell foam should last virtually forever. It did in my sand rail. Specified for 8-10 years but have seen it last much longer.

Right. I have the black foam in our fuel cells on our Bonneville cars, used for years and what I'm already using in some of our Kart carburetors. Just stated what I read and Lectrons recommendations from their website and guessing it's most likely due to the variety of fuels and a liability issue that they are just wanting to ensure nobody has any problems.
How do I get one , saves me looking like I'm gooning the next time I go to the motox track , other than that mine ran perfect the last race weekend to the point I never even thought about the carb :D
I've been trying to call the makers of the smart carb for over a week to cancel my order and get a refund but I can't get through. Does anyone have a number other than 877-372-3465 which is on their website?
I've been trying to call the makers of the smart carb for over a week to cancel my order and get a refund but I can't get through. Does anyone have a number other than 877-372-3465 which is on their website?

(816) 767-8783 ask for Liz (liz.harvey@motovox.com)

(307) 460-0524 Liz cell, this would be the best number, probably will handle it today.

(816) 225-3996 Chad (chadg@powerapt.com)

(307)761-1251 Corey (coreyd@powerapt.com)

All 38mm pre-order carbs will be in house Oct. 8th and will start going out to pre-purchasers.
(816) 767-8783 ask for Liz (liz.harvey@motovox.com)

(307) 460-0524 Liz cell, this would be the best number, probably will handle it today.

(816) 225-3996 Chad (chadg@powerapt.com)

(307)761-1251 Corey (coreyd@powerapt.com)

All 38mm pre-order carbs will be in house Oct. 8th and will start going out to pre-purchasers.

Thanks Corey I followed up with Liz as soon as I saw your post and she fixed me right up.
Thanks Corey I followed up with Liz as soon as I saw your post and she fixed me right up.

Welcome. Hope we have a chance again at your business one day after we get everything sorted out as a supplier. It has become a very difficult place to do business today in the US. Probably more die cast companies in Detroit alone have gone under than continue to exist here today. Of those only a handful can begin to compete with prices necessary to compete globally with a carburetor, and the shear production numbers as the countries I will not mention that melt all the metal today.....:mad: